errors when viewing stream

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errors when viewing stream

Post by iitywygms »

Ubuntu 14.04
Zoneminder 1.29

Recently, when viewing one particular cameras saved events, I get the following errors.

016-02-22 15:06:07.632302 web_js 24090 ERR getCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /tmp/zm/zms-288395s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory - checkStreamForErrors() ?view=event
2016-02-22 15:06:07.595206 web_php 24090 ERR socket_sendto( /tmp/zm/zms-288395s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/functions.php 2371
2016-02-22 15:06:06.633393 zma_m3 11531 INF FrontDoor: 7577000 - Analysing at 14.08 fps zm_monitor.cpp 1287
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228619 zms 25667 INF addr2line -e /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms 0x7fa93d489532 0x7fa93c2ec340 0x7fa9398bcaea 0x7fa93a1d0d75 0x7fa93d42e2a9 0x7fa93d48bbbe 0x7fa93d3f130b 0x7fa939855ec5 0x7fa93d3f1d47 zm_signal.cpp 113
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228544 zms 25667 INF Backtrace complete, please execute the following command for more information zm_signal.cpp 112
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228451 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 8: /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms(+0x1fd47) [0x7fa93d3f1d47] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228381 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 7: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa939855ec5] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228310 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 6: /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms(main+0xc5b) [0x7fa93d3f130b] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228224 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 5: /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms(_ZN10StreamBase11loadMonitorEi+0x1e) [0x7fa93d48bbbe] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228141 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 4: /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms(_ZN7Monitor4LoadEjbNS_7PurposeE+0x299) [0x7fa93d42e2a9] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.228020 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 3: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa93a1d0d75] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.227923 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa9398bcaea] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.227818 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa93c2ec340] zm_signal.cpp 105
2016-02-22 15:06:05.227637 zms 25667 ERR Backtrace 0: /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms(_Z14zm_die_handleriP9siginfo_tPv+0x72) [0x7fa93d489532] zm_signal.cpp

This looks like a failing camera to me but wanted to ask here before replacing.
All the still images from the event are stored and look good.