Capturing to wrong folder

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Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:26 am
Location: Hungary

Capturing to wrong folder

Post by mcll »

Hi all,

I have an interesting problem. My Zoneminder setup is working, can see live video, and its capturing all events.
When i click on the events link, i get a table with the events, but on the small igame it's broken, no image showing. When i want to open it in a new window i see following (for example):

But when i go to the server and check the corresponding folder i can find the pictures here:

As you can see the hour in the link is not correct. The real one is what i found on the server (18:16).

Also when i check the live screen, the image shows correct server and camera time:

Yesterday it was everything ok.

Today morning i've found that the server local time was one hour back to my local time, but all the settings was correct.

Code: Select all

more /etc/timezone
said the correct zone:

Code: Select all

But the local time was not. After reconfiguring time zone

Code: Select all

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
the local time was also correct.

Everything is ok on my server, only the recording path not. As you see in attached picture the servertime is also ok, but when its recording, it records to a folder named one hour earlyer. And thats why my Zoneminder cannot find the recorded pictures.

Has anyone any suggestion?


Ubuntu Server 14.04.3LTS 64bit - ZoneMinder v1.32.3 - 2x AV-Tech AVN257 IP Cam; 1x Hikvision DS-2CD2020F-I IP Cam