Currently offline monitors in montage review.

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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Currently offline monitors in montage review.

Post by User6677 »

Is there some way to see monitors that are not currently running in montage review?

I have 4 monitors configured across 2 cameras. Each camera has a daytime and a nighttime monitor. ZM switches states between day/night with a cron script. All this works great.

However, I'm struggling to find out how to review events for currently offline monitors. When I go to "montage review" during daytime I can browse the history and see daytime monitors. If I set to see 24h for example half of the data is missing (as it should). But when I select night time monitors it shows me an empty timeline even for the time they were running. Same, but opposite happens during night time. I can see night time monitor events on the montage review chart, but this time daytime monitors are missing.

Is this a bug? Do I have some misconfiguration? Does it require a new feature to be implemented for this to work?
This is how it looks like during daytime (notice gaps for night time):
zmd1.png (621.28 KiB) Viewed 373 times
During nighttime this will look exactly the same, but with gaps for day time.
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Re: Currently offline monitors in montage review.

Post by iconnor »

In the code, there is a test for if Function == 'None'. So if the current status is off it will get filtered out.

I think this is a valid bug. I will remove that filter in 1.36.33.

In the meantime, if you want, you can edit the code... try removing lines 262 and 263

$monitors = array();
foreach( $displayMonitors as $row ) {
if ( $row['Function'] == 'None' || $row['Type'] == 'WebSite' )
$Monitor = new ZM\Monitor($row);
$monitors[] = $Monitor;

should become

$monitors = array();
foreach( $displayMonitors as $row ) {

$Monitor = new ZM\Monitor($row);
$monitors[] = $Monitor;
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