Since update 1.33.16~20200109103850-xenial

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Since update 1.33.16~20200109103850-xenial

Post by gsaindon »

Since today's update I am having trouble with recordings, here is what I see in the logs:

n 9 11:57:44 zm3 zma_m107[24040]: ERR [zma_m107] [Can't insert event: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction. sql was (INSERT INTO Events ( MonitorId, StorageId, Name, StartTime, Width, Height, Cause, Notes, StateId, Orientation, Videoed, DefaultVideo, SaveJPEGs, Scheme ) VALUES ( 107, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime( 1578589010 ), 1920, 1080, 'motion detection', 'motion detection: none', 1, 1, 0, '', 0, 'Medium' ))]

System has become extremely slow.

Also, the cameras configured to record via a trigger don't record anymore:

zm3 zmtrigger[23982]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.21' should have been 1160 but was instead 0]
Jan 9 11:57:44 zm3 zmtrigger[23982]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.21' should have been 1160 but was instead 0]
Jan 9 11:57:44 zm3 zmtrigger[23982]: WAR [no memkey in zmMemInvalidate]
Jan 9 11:57:44 zm3 zmtrigger[23982]: ERR [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.21' should have been 1160 but was instead 0]
Jan 9 11:57:44 zm3 zmtrigger[23982]: INF [Trigger 'off']
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Re: Since update 1.33.16~20200109103850-xenial

Post by iconnor »

I don't think anything of any significance has changed lately. What was your previous version?

That error means that something is holding a lock on the events table. You might just have to restart zoneminder. By restart I may mean stop it, check to see if any zm processes are still running, kill -9 them, etc...