Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.29.x releases only.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:31 pm

Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by Clemi »

Dear Zoneminder Community,

I'm running Zoneminder 1.29.0 on a Raspberry Pi 2, with to IP cameras setup as remote source type.

Unfortunately Zoneminder switches its status from "Running" to "Stopped" in a random fashion, and I'm not able to find out why.

Before I had Zoneminder 1.28 installed with the same camera configuration and did not encounter this type of problem.

Switching to stopped may happen after only a few minutes, sometimes the system is running one days without problems.

When I look at the log files I cannot see a connection to any critical error. It just seems like some part of zoneminder decides to stop the system.

I'm posting here the logs, in the hope you can interpret the log data more successful that I was.

Thanks for your help,


Code Status Zoneminder Service:
* zoneminder.service - ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zoneminder.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Do 2016-07-07 05:25:47 UTC; 2 days ago
Process: 3730 ExecStop=/usr/bin/ stop (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Process: 1059 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1304 (code=exited, status=4)

Jul 07 05:25:39 raspberrypi sudo[3738]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session open...)
Jul 07 05:25:39 raspberrypi sudo[3738]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session clos...a
Jul 07 05:25:39 raspberrypi sudo[3746]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/share/...k
Jul 07 05:25:39 raspberrypi sudo[3746]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session open...)
Jul 07 05:25:40 raspberrypi sudo[3746]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session clos...a
Jul 07 05:25:40 raspberrypi systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: control process ...1
Jul 07 05:25:40 raspberrypi zmc[3223]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Jul 07 05:25:42 raspberrypi zma[1393]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Jul 07 05:25:42 raspberrypi zma[3624]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Jul 07 05:25:47 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Unit zoneminder.service entered fail....
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
Corresponding Zoneminder Log:
Component Server PID Level Message File Line
2016-07-07 07:25:40.450111 zma_m1 3624 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-07 07:25:40.438489 zma_m2 1393 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-07 07:25:38.638640 zmpkg 3730 INF Command: stop
2016-07-07 07:25:35.614000 zmpkg 3730 INF Sanity checking States table...
2016-07-07 07:25:34.579570 zmdc 1304 INF 'zmc -m 1' exited normally
2016-07-07 07:25:33.696250 zmdc 1304 WAR 'zmc -m 1' has not stopped at 16/07/07 05:25:33. Sending KILL to pid 3724
2016-07-07 07:25:27.694758 zmc_m1 3724 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-07 07:25:26.974590 zmdc 1304 INF 'zmc -m 1' sending stop to pid 3724 at 16/07/07 05:25:26
2016-07-07 07:25:26.734033 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 28, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:25:21.030600 zmwatch 1430 INF Restarting capture daemon for Durchfahrt, time since last capture 6 seconds (1467869121-1467869115)
2016-07-07 07:25:20.304796 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding partial frame 28, 1204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:25:16.511236 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:25:12.885511 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 19, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:25:12.858029 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding partial frame 19, 55204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:25:12.831837 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:25:12.306129 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3267 - Closing event 92, alarm end zm_monitor.cpp 1707
2016-07-07 07:25:12.282865 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3267 - Left alarm state (92) - 128(3) images zm_monitor.cpp 1702
2016-07-07 07:25:04.423932 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 0, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:25:04.398308 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Discarding frame 0 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-07 07:25:04.256288 zmc_m1 3726 WAR Sequence in probation 2, out of sequence zm_rtp_source.cpp 112
2016-07-07 07:25:03.137914 zmc_m1 3724 INF Starting Capture version 1.29.0 zmc.cpp 250
2016-07-07 07:25:03.021263 undef 3724 INF No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode. zm_config.cpp 139
2016-07-07 07:25:02.884360 zmdc 3724 INF 'zmc -m 1' started at 16/07/07 05:25:02
2016-07-07 07:25:02.884340 zmdc 1304 INF 'zmc -m 1' starting at 16/07/07 05:25:02, pid = 3724
2016-07-07 07:25:01.101850 zmdc 1304 INF Starting pending process, zmc -m 1
2016-07-07 07:24:59.312830 zmdc 1304 INF 'zmc -m 1' exited normally
2016-07-07 07:24:56.163684 zmc_m1 3628 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-07 07:24:56.162079 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3262, 61204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:55.139390 zmdc 1304 INF 'zmc -m 1' sending stop to pid 3628 at 16/07/07 05:24:55
2016-07-07 07:24:54.627932 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 336 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:54.331037 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3258, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:53.941892 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3258, 60004 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:53.719550 zmwatch 1430 INF Restarting capture daemon for Durchfahrt, time since last capture 11 seconds (1467869093-1467869082)
2016-07-07 07:24:43.591041 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:37.997276 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3244, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:37.976291 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3244, 32404 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:37.940993 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:28.676383 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3220, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:28.653733 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3220, 60004 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:28.631169 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:23.048482 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3206, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:23.026092 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3206, 27604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:22.981472 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:20.177205 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3199, 1204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:19.920800 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:12.762101 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3184, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:12.737783 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3184, 4804 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:12.700249 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 12 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:12.636449 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3180, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:12.610215 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3180, 1204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:11.731161 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:08.237756 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3167 - Gone into alert state zm_monitor.cpp 1695
2016-07-07 07:24:08.111635 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3171, 68404 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:24:08.060949 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:07.188536 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3165 - Opening new event 92, alarm start zm_monitor.cpp 1651
2016-07-07 07:24:05.013892 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3165 - Gone into alarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1605
2016-07-07 07:24:03.698243 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3164 - Gone into prealarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1680
2016-07-07 07:24:02.398605 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3157, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:02.375890 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding frame 3157 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-07 07:24:02.351132 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:01.695885 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105572 - Closing event 91, alarm end zm_monitor.cpp 1707
2016-07-07 07:24:01.674010 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105572 - Left alarm state (91) - 80(45) images zm_monitor.cpp 1702
2016-07-07 07:24:01.386543 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding frame 3157 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-07 07:24:01.357021 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 13 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:24:01.160247 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3151, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:24:00.832558 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3151, 52804 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:58.681045 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:54.048991 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105562 - Gone into alert state zm_monitor.cpp 1695
2016-07-07 07:23:49.360714 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3127, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:49.273629 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3127, 8404 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:49.251015 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:43.768575 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3113, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:43.733011 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3113, 16804 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:43.711225 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:43.388095 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105518 - Opening new event 91, alarm start zm_monitor.cpp 1651
2016-07-07 07:23:43.100045 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105518 - Gone into alarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1605
2016-07-07 07:23:42.826464 zma_m2 1393 INF Hofzufahrt: 105517 - Gone into prealarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1680
2016-07-07 07:23:37.746334 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding frame 3098 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-07 07:23:37.650691 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:21.469025 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3056, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:21.449209 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3056, 9604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:21.221278 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:17.514242 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3047, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:17.491133 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3047, 37204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:17.471065 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:08.167879 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3023, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:08.141157 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding frame 3023 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-07 07:23:08.121524 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 6 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:07.659909 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3023, 45604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:07.637748 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 18 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:07.034721 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3019, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:04.695099 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3019, 33604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:04.391269 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:23:01.589440 zmc_m1 3628 INF Durchfahrt: 3000 - Capturing at 2.53 fps zm_monitor.cpp 3131
2016-07-07 07:23:00.801642 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 3010, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:23:00.771679 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 3010, 55204 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-07 07:23:00.661115 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 2 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-07 07:22:55.101153 zma_m1 3624 INF Durchfahrt: 3000 - Analysing at 2.52 fps zm_monitor.cpp 1287
2016-07-07 07:22:47.770023 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 2976, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-07 07:22:47.747878 zmc_m1 3630 WAR Discarding partial frame 2976, 15604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345

Second Zoneminder log of different "Stopped" event
Component Server PID Level Message File Line
2016-07-09 12:29:51.692081 zma_m1 10657 INF Durchfahrt: 028 - Closing event 94, shutting down zm_monitor.cpp 625
2016-07-09 12:29:48.702407 zma_m1 10657 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-09 12:29:38.639840 zmpkg 10660 INF Command: stop
2016-07-09 12:29:31.386490 zmwatch 10505 ERR Unable to run "/usr/bin/ restart zmc -m 2", output is "Unable to connect to server"
2016-07-09 12:29:30.773190 zmpkg 10660 INF Sanity checking States table...
2016-07-09 12:29:30.099972 zma_m1 10657 INF Durchfahrt: 027 - Opening new event 94, alarm start zm_monitor.cpp 1651
2016-07-09 12:29:30.045061 zma_m1 10657 INF Durchfahrt: 027 - Gone into alarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1605
2016-07-09 12:29:27.587897 zma_m1 10657 INF Durchfahrt: 026 - Gone into prealarm state zm_monitor.cpp 1680
2016-07-09 12:29:27.264160 zmwatch 10505 INF Restarting capture daemon for Hofzufahrt, shared data not valid
2016-07-09 12:29:26.954680 zmdc 10445 INF 'zmc -m 2' exited normally
2016-07-09 12:29:24.477170 zmdc 10445 WAR 'zmc -m 2' has not stopped at 16/07/09 10:29:24. Sending KILL to pid 10634
2016-07-09 12:29:18.475863 zmc_m2 10634 INF Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting zm_signal.cpp 40
2016-07-09 12:29:18.437180 zmdc 10445 INF 'zmc -m 2' sending stop to pid 10634 at 16/07/09 10:29:18
2016-07-09 12:29:17.778007 zma_m1 10657 INF In mode 3/1, warming up zma.cpp 142
2016-07-09 12:29:17.769702 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 130, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-09 12:29:17.745248 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Discarding partial frame 130, 20404 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-09 12:29:17.679076 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 9 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-09 12:29:17.674925 undef 10657 INF No Server ID or Name specified in config. Not using Multi-Server Mode. zm_config.cpp 139
2016-07-09 12:29:17.653240 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Discarding partial frame 129, 9604 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 345
2016-07-09 12:29:17.631537 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 139 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-09 12:29:17.512700 zmdc 10657 INF 'zma -m 1' started at 16/07/09 10:29:17
2016-07-09 12:29:17.497780 zmdc 10445 INF 'zma -m 1' starting at 16/07/09 10:29:17, pid = 10657
2016-07-09 12:29:17.462290 zmdc 10445 INF Starting pending process, zma -m 1
2016-07-09 12:29:17.426578 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Discarding incomplete frame 121, 0 bytes zm_rtp_source.cpp 336
2016-07-09 12:29:17.402930 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Discarding frame 121 zm_rtp_source.cpp 349
2016-07-09 12:29:17.340050 zmc_m2 10636 WAR Packet in sequence, gap 9 zm_rtp_source.cpp 127
2016-07-09 12:29:17.336360 zmdc 10445 INF 'zma -m 2' exited normally
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:45 pm

Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by vianez »

Hello, here is the same, i have got Ubuntu 16 LTS. I have got 8 cameras dlink.

Crashes are completely random and there is no way to debug it. Which distro are you using?
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:24 pm

Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by alme »

Hi I'm experiencing same behavior. I'm new for ZM (v1.29.0) and I'm testing Pine64.
Server stops randomly. In console I've "stopped" status. No events logged from monitors after "command-stop" time-stamp.
I think following infos can be useful for developers and troubleshooters.


Code: Select all

    description: Computer
    product: sun50iw1p1
    width: 64 bits
       description: Motherboard
       physical id: 0
       capabilities: arm_sun50iw1p1
          description: CPU
          product: cpu
          physical id: 0
          bus info: cpu@0
          size: 1104MHz
          capacity: 1344MHz
          capabilities: cpufreq
     *-cpu:1 DISABLED
          description: CPU
          product: cpu
          physical id: 1
          bus info: cpu@1
          size: 1104MHz
          capacity: 1344MHz
          capabilities: cpufreq
     *-cpu:2 DISABLED
          description: CPU
          product: cpu
          physical id: 2
          bus info: cpu@2
          size: 1104MHz
          capacity: 1344MHz
          capabilities: cpufreq
     *-cpu:3 DISABLED
          description: CPU
          product: cpu
          physical id: 3
          bus info: cpu@3
          size: 1104MHz
          capacity: 1344MHz
          capabilities: cpufreq
     *-cpu:4 DISABLED
          description: CPU
          product: idle-states
          physical id: 4
          bus info: cpu@4
          description: System memory
          physical id: 5
          size: 1988MiB


Code: Select all

uname -a
Linux pine64 3.10.102-0-pine64-longsleep #7 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 17 21:30:48 CEST 2016 aarch64 GNU/Linux
part of syslog with stop command at Aug 28 19:23:29

Code: Select all

Aug 28 19:15:37 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 34,85, at count 2035]
Aug 28 19:15:37 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 20,81, at count 2036]
Aug 28 19:15:37 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 564,299, at count 86]
Aug 28 19:15:37 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 086 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:15:37 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2037 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 557,292, at count 87]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 17,87, at count 2044]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2044 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 18,97, at count 2045]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 544,252, at count 88]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 17,83, at count 2046]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 18,88, at count 2047]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 19,78, at count 2048]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2049 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:15:38 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 520,238, at count 89]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 0, image 4950, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 3, image 4953, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 306,194, at count 90]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 31,95, at count 2059]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2059 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 290,224, at count 91]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2060 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 293,232, at count 92]
Aug 28 19:15:40 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 291,222, at count 93]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 294,229, at count 94]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 387,195, at count 95]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 5000 - Capturing at 27.78 fps]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 394,194, at count 96]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 404,196, at count 97]
Aug 28 19:15:41 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 410,193, at count 98]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 416,206, at count 99]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2085 - Left alarm state (3334) - 76(9) images]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2085 - Closing event 3334, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 440,221, at count 100]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 37, image 5037, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 452,244, at count 101]
Aug 28 19:15:42 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 524,261, at count 102]
Aug 28 19:15:44 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 392,227, at count 103]
Aug 28 19:15:47 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 13, image 5063, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 72,107, at count 2099]
Aug 28 19:15:49 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 1, image 2251, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:49 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2099 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:15:49 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 13, image 5113, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:49 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 7 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:15:49 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2099 - Opening new event 3335, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:15:51 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 437,316, at count 104]
Aug 28 19:15:54 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 12 seconds (1472404554-1472404542)]
Aug 28 19:15:55 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 21, image 5121, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:55 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 1, image 2301, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:15:58 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:15:58 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 12 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:15:58 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 13 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:15:59 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 6455 at 16/08/28 19:15:59]
Aug 28 19:15:59 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:15:59 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got alarm centre at 493,123, at count 105]
Aug 28 19:16:01 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2100 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:01 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 32, image 5132, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2101 - Closing event 3335, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2102 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:02 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2102 - Opening new event 3336, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6455]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 106 - Closing event 3332, shutting down]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2103 - Closing event 3336, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2104 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2104 - Opening new event 3337, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 298,30, at count 2105]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2106 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 157,152, at count 2111]
Aug 28 19:16:03 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2111 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2112 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2113 - Closing event 3337, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2114 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2114 - Opening new event 3338, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 13, image 2413, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:04 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2115 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:05 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 17, image 2417, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:08 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:09 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:09 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 118,68, at count 2118]
Aug 28 19:16:09 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2118 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:11 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:13 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:16:17 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:27 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 2, image 2452, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:27 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:16:31 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 6000 - Capturing at 24.39 fps]
Aug 28 19:16:35 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:35 pine64 zmdc[6684]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:16:35]
Aug 28 19:16:35 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:16:35, pid = 6684]
Aug 28 19:16:37 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 125,63, at count 2119]
Aug 28 19:16:39 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:49 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:16:54 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 5, image 2505, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:54 pine64 undef[6684]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 114,76, at count 2120]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zma[6684]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 45 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2121 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:16:55 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2122 - Closing event 3338, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2123 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2123 - Opening new event 3339, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2124 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2127 - Closing event 3339, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 6684 at 16/08/28 19:16:56]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6684]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2128 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2128 - Opening new event 3340, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:16:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2129 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 168,138, at count 2131]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2131 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 47, image 2597, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2132 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 1, image 2601, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: FAT [Maximum number (25) of JPEG errors reached, exiting]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmdc[24721]: ERR ['zmc -m 4' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 117,66, at count 2135]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2135 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 117,65, at count 2136]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 115,63, at count 2137]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 75,57, at count 2138]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2139 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 162,167, at count 2141]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2141 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2142 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:16:59 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 7000 - Capturing at 27.03 fps]
Aug 28 19:17:01 pine64 CRON[6755]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 28 19:17:06 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:17:08 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:17:10 pine64 zmdc[6793]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:17:10]
Aug 28 19:17:10 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:17:10, pid = 6793]
Aug 28 19:17:14 pine64 undef[6793]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:17:14 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting capture daemon for WEBCAM_2, time since last capture 9 seconds (1472404626-1472404617)]
Aug 28 19:17:15 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:17:16 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:17:16, pid = 6811]
Aug 28 19:17:16 pine64 zmdc[6811]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:17:16]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got alarm centre at 304,60, at count 39]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 undef[6811]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 039 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zmc[6811]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 039 - Opening new event 3341, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 14, image 7464, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 265,112, at count 2151]
Aug 28 19:17:18 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2151 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:17:19 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 265,112, at count 2152]
Aug 28 19:17:19 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 265,111, at count 2153]
Aug 28 19:17:19 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 269,109, at count 2154]
Aug 28 19:17:19 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 271,99, at count 2155]
Aug 28 19:17:20 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 285,102, at count 2156]
Aug 28 19:17:20 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 112,110, at count 2157]
Aug 28 19:17:21 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got alarm centre at 304,57, at count 40]
Aug 28 19:17:22 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 15, image 7515, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:22 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 115,115, at count 2158]
Aug 28 19:17:22 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 14, image 64, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:22 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 6 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:17:23 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 222,138, at count 2159]
Aug 28 19:17:23 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got alarm centre at 310,121, at count 41]
Aug 28 19:17:23 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 19, image 7519, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:23 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 224,133, at count 2160]
Aug 28 19:17:25 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got alarm centre at 309,119, at count 42]
Aug 28 19:17:27 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 14, image 7564, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:27 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 22, image 122, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:27 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 222,132, at count 2161]
Aug 28 19:17:28 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 6 seconds (1472404648-1472404642)]
Aug 28 19:17:28 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:17:28 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:17:30 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:17:34 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 14, image 7614, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:35 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 6793 at 16/08/28 19:17:35]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 22, image 172, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 12 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 195,77, at count 2162]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got alarm centre at 380,215, at count 43]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 12 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:17:36 pine64 zma[6793]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:17:42 pine64 zmdc[24721]: WAR ['zma -m 3' has not stopped at 16/08/28 19:17:42. Sending KILL to pid 6793]
Aug 28 19:17:43 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' crashed, signal 8]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 172,51, at count 2163]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 40, image 190, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 55,168, at count 2164]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 55,170, at count 2165]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 11, image 211, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 58,187, at count 2166]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zmc[6811]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 23, image 223, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2167 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zmc[6811]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2168 - Closing event 3340, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2169 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2169 - Opening new event 3342, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 286,83, at count 2170]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 286,83, at count 2171]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 286,84, at count 2172]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 287,84, at count 2173]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 290,114, at count 2174]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 290,117, at count 2175]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 291,117, at count 2176]
Aug 28 19:17:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 291,117, at count 2177]
Aug 28 19:17:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 290,98, at count 2178]
Aug 28 19:17:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2179 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:17:46 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 8000 - Capturing at 21.28 fps]
Aug 28 19:17:54 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 31 seconds (1472404674-1472404643)]
Aug 28 19:18:01 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:18:06 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:18:06, pid = 6949]
Aug 28 19:18:06 pine64 zmdc[6949]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:18:06]
Aug 28 19:18:10 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting capture daemon for WEBCAM_2, time since last capture 9 seconds (1472404674-1472404665)]
Aug 28 19:18:12 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' sending stop to pid 6811 at 16/08/28 19:18:12]
Aug 28 19:18:13 pine64 undef[6949]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:18:13 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:18:13 pine64 zmc[6811]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:18:19 pine64 zmdc[24721]: WAR ['zmc -m 4' has not stopped at 16/08/28 19:18:19. Sending KILL to pid 6811]
Aug 28 19:18:20 pine64 kernel: [253337.924993] RTL871X: send eapol packet
Aug 28 19:18:20 pine64 kernel: [253337.927592] RTL871X: set group key camid:6, addr:a4:b1:e9:a9:78:59, kid:2, type:TKIP
Aug 28 19:18:20 pine64 wpa_supplicant[1095]: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with a4:b1:e9:a9:78:59 [GTK=TKIP]
Aug 28 19:18:20 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' crashed, signal 8]
Aug 28 19:18:24 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [Got alarm centre at 351,197, at count 200]
Aug 28 19:18:30 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 200 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:18:30 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 7 seconds (1472404710-1472404703)]
Aug 28 19:18:30 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 33, image 8933, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:18:30 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:18:33 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 6949 at 16/08/28 19:18:33]
Aug 28 19:18:36 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 200 - Opening new event 3343, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:18:36 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 33, image 8983, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:18:37 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:18:37 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 13 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:18:41 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 9000 - Capturing at 19.23 fps]
Aug 28 19:18:41 pine64 zma[6949]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 201 - Closing event 3343, shutting down]
Aug 28 19:18:41 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:18:41 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting capture daemon for WEBCAM_2, time since last capture 45 seconds (1472404710-1472404665)]
Aug 28 19:18:42 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:18:42, pid = 7052]
Aug 28 19:18:42 pine64 zmdc[7052]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:18:42]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 undef[7052]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zmc[7052]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 193,121, at count 2184]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2184 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 198,120, at count 2185]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 200,121, at count 2186]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 231,107, at count 2187]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 230,108, at count 2188]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 234,113, at count 2189]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 222,107, at count 2190]
Aug 28 19:18:43 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 173,128, at count 2191]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 82,142, at count 2192]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 92,140, at count 2193]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 100,139, at count 2194]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 114,146, at count 2195]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 121,144, at count 2196]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 162,142, at count 2197]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 99,122, at count 2198]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 99,129, at count 2199]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 225,156, at count 2200]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 106,139, at count 2201]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 110,146, at count 2202]
Aug 28 19:18:44 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 169,147, at count 2203]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 164,155, at count 2204]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 176,163, at count 2205]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 182,175, at count 2206]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 208,168, at count 2207]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 247,160, at count 2208]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 238,149, at count 2209]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 242,157, at count 2210]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 242,156, at count 2211]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 241,156, at count 2212]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 237,155, at count 2213]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 234,154, at count 2214]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 234,154, at count 2215]
Aug 28 19:18:45 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 230,151, at count 2216]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 228,149, at count 2217]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 214,136, at count 2218]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 220,146, at count 2219]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 204,124, at count 2220]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 205,122, at count 2221]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 195,107, at count 2222]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 191,109, at count 2223]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 191,105, at count 2224]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 179,102, at count 2225]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 172,93, at count 2226]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 167,91, at count 2227]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 167,87, at count 2228]
Aug 28 19:18:46 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 140,76, at count 2229]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 163,105, at count 2230]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 178,117, at count 2231]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 101,184, at count 2232]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 101,188, at count 2233]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 91,181, at count 2234]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 168,130, at count 2235]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 86,195, at count 2236]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 161,127, at count 2237]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 164,127, at count 2238]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 154,191, at count 2239]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 92,196, at count 2240]
Aug 28 19:18:47 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 185,145, at count 2241]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 116,197, at count 2242]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 104,198, at count 2243]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 88,181, at count 2244]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 161,213, at count 2245]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 159,207, at count 2246]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 97,55, at count 2247]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 99,51, at count 2248]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 159,199, at count 2249]
Aug 28 19:18:48 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2250 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:18:50 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2275 - Left alarm state (3342) - 131(76) images]
Aug 28 19:18:50 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2275 - Closing event 3342, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:18:52 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:18:54 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 158,145, at count 2319]
Aug 28 19:18:55 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:18:56 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2319 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:18:56 pine64 zmc[7052]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 27, image 227, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:18:56 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:18:57 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:18:57, pid = 7097]
Aug 28 19:18:57 pine64 zmdc[7097]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:18:57]
Aug 28 19:18:57 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:19:01 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2319 - Opening new event 3344, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:19:01 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:19:01 pine64 undef[7097]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:19:01 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:19:08 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:19:08 pine64 minissdpd[619]: 1 new devices added
Aug 28 19:19:11 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting capture daemon for WEBCAM_2, time since last capture 10 seconds (1472404751-1472404741)]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 139,104, at count 2320]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2321 - Closing event 3344, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:19:12 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2322 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2322 - Opening new event 3345, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2323 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' sending stop to pid 7052 at 16/08/28 19:19:13]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 125,63, at count 2328]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2328 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmc[7052]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Select error: Interrupted system call]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Unable to extract subheader data]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmc[7052]: ERR [Unable to get response, disconnecting]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 111,62, at count 2329]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:19:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2330 - Closing event 3345, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:19:21 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 10000 - Capturing at 25.00 fps]
Aug 28 19:19:23 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting capture daemon for WEBCAM_2, shared data not valid]
Aug 28 19:19:24 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got alarm centre at 422,196, at count 210]
Aug 28 19:19:24 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 10, image 10060, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:19:24 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 210 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:19:25 pine64 zmdc[7183]: INF ['zmc -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:19:25]
Aug 28 19:19:25 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zmc -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:19:25, pid = 7183]
Aug 28 19:19:29 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 10, image 10110, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:19:41 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 8 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:19:41 pine64 undef[7183]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:19:42 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 210 - Opening new event 3346, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:19:42 pine64 zmc[7183]: INF [Starting Capture version 1.29.0]
Aug 28 19:19:43 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 22 seconds (1472404783-1472404761)]
Aug 28 19:19:45 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:19:48 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:19:49 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2331 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:19:49 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2331 - Opening new event 3347, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:19:49 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got alarm centre at 286,182, at count 211]
Aug 28 19:19:49 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 248,230, at count 2332]
Aug 28 19:19:50 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got alarm centre at 294,181, at count 212]
Aug 28 19:19:50 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 249,230, at count 2333]
Aug 28 19:19:50 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got alarm centre at 294,179, at count 213]
Aug 28 19:19:50 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2334 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:19:50 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 7097 at 16/08/28 19:19:50]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 23, image 10473, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zma[7097]: ERR [Can't insert log entry: Lost connection to MySQL server during query]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [Got alarm centre at 294,181, at count 214]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zma[7097]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 215 - Closing event 3346, shutting down]
Aug 28 19:19:51 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:19:52 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2359 - Left alarm state (3347) - 53(3) images]
Aug 28 19:19:52 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2359 - Closing event 3347, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:20:01 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:20:03 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:20:06 pine64 zmdc[7295]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:20:06]
Aug 28 19:20:06 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:20:06, pid = 7295]
Aug 28 19:20:07 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 11000 - Capturing at 20.83 fps]
Aug 28 19:20:09 pine64 undef[7295]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:20:13 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:20:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got alarm centre at 140,118, at count 2669]
Aug 28 19:20:13 pine64 zmc[7183]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 26, image 526, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:13 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2669 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:20:14 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2669 - Opening new event 3348, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:20:14 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:20:14 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 491,123, at count 26]
Aug 28 19:20:15 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 026 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:20:17 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_2 needs restarting, time since last analysis 8 seconds (1472404818-1472404810)]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 6, image 11206, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 026 - Opening new event 3349, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:20:18 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:20:20 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' sending stop to pid 6017 at 16/08/28 19:20:20]
Aug 28 19:20:20 pine64 zma[6017]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 6, image 11256, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zma[6017]: ERR [Can't insert log entry: Lost connection to MySQL server during query]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zma[6017]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2670 - Closing event 3348, signal loss]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 8 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:20:21 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 490,112, at count 27]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 028 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:20:22 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:20:26 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 19, image 11369, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:30 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 22, image 11372, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:31 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 4]
Aug 28 19:20:31 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 47, image 11397, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zmdc[7365]: INF ['zma -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:20:35]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:20:35, pid = 7365]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 0, image 11400, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 undef[7365]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zma[7365]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 053 - Left alarm state (3349) - 52(2) images]
Aug 28 19:20:35 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 053 - Closing event 3349, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 328,191, at count 65]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 065 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 065 - Opening new event 3350, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' sending stop to pid 7365 at 16/08/28 19:20:36]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zma[7365]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:20:36 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:20:37 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 617,165, at count 66]
Aug 28 19:20:37 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 9, image 11459, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:20:37 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 610,181, at count 67]
Aug 28 19:20:37 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 612,176, at count 68]
Aug 28 19:20:38 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 616,163, at count 69]
Aug 28 19:20:38 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 625,151, at count 70]
Aug 28 19:20:38 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 624,156, at count 71]
Aug 28 19:20:38 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 072 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:20:40 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 097 - Left alarm state (3350) - 57(7) images]
Aug 28 19:20:40 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 097 - Closing event 3350, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:20:41 pine64 zmc[7183]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1000 - Capturing at 16.95 fps]
Aug 28 19:20:46 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:20:50 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:20:56 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 4]
Aug 28 19:21:01 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 12000 - Capturing at 20.41 fps]
Aug 28 19:21:01 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:21:01, pid = 7451]
Aug 28 19:21:01 pine64 zmdc[7451]: INF ['zma -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:21:01]
Aug 28 19:21:02 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' sending stop to pid 7451 at 16/08/28 19:21:02]
Aug 28 19:21:02 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' exited, signal 14]
Aug 28 19:21:07 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 364,179, at count 681]
Aug 28 19:21:07 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 39, image 12189, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:07 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 681 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:21:07 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 681 - Opening new event 3351, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:21:08 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 391,196, at count 682]
Aug 28 19:21:08 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 425,197, at count 683]
Aug 28 19:21:08 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 444,218, at count 684]
Aug 28 19:21:08 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 466,219, at count 685]
Aug 28 19:21:08 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 522,236, at count 686]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 20, image 12270, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 473,231, at count 687]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 469,209, at count 688]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 447,196, at count 689]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 440,191, at count 690]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 460,179, at count 691]
Aug 28 19:21:09 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 466,85, at count 692]
Aug 28 19:21:10 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got alarm centre at 465,93, at count 693]
Aug 28 19:21:10 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 694 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:21:13 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:21:14 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 37, image 12337, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:15 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_2]
Aug 28 19:21:15 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 46, image 12346, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:17 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 4' starting at 16/08/28 19:21:17, pid = 7494]
Aug 28 19:21:17 pine64 zmdc[7494]: INF ['zma -m 4' started at 16/08/28 19:21:17]
Aug 28 19:21:18 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 30, image 12380, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:23 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 33, image 12383, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:23 pine64 undef[7494]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:21:27 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:21:28 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 11 seconds (1472404888-1472404877)]
Aug 28 19:21:29 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 5, image 12405, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:29 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:21:29 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 8, image 12408, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:30 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 719 - Left alarm state (3351) - 63(13) images]
Aug 28 19:21:30 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 719 - Closing event 3351, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:21:30 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 7295 at 16/08/28 19:21:30]
Aug 28 19:21:31 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 5, image 12455, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:21:31 pine64 zma[7295]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:21:31 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:21:35 pine64 zmc[7183]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 2000 - Capturing at 18.18 fps]
Aug 28 19:21:42 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: ERR [Error getting last capture time for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:21:52 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:21:53 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 13000 - Capturing at 20.00 fps]
Aug 28 19:21:55 pine64 zmdc[7605]: INF ['zma -m 3' started at 16/08/28 19:21:55]
Aug 28 19:21:55 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' starting at 16/08/28 19:21:55, pid = 7605]
Aug 28 19:22:01 pine64 undef[7605]: INF [No Server ID or Name specified in config.  Not using Multi-Server Mode.]
Aug 28 19:22:01 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [In mode 3/1, warming up]
Aug 28 19:22:23 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 292,62, at count 487]
Aug 28 19:22:24 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 487 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:22:27 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 13, image 13863, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:22:28 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 487 - Opening new event 3352, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:22:29 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 300,71, at count 488]
Aug 28 19:22:29 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 298,72, at count 489]
Aug 28 19:22:29 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 298,72, at count 490]
Aug 28 19:22:30 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 296,55, at count 491]
Aug 28 19:22:30 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 297,51, at count 492]
Aug 28 19:22:30 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 296,53, at count 493]
Aug 28 19:22:30 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 295,54, at count 494]
Aug 28 19:22:30 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 495 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:22:32 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 520 - Left alarm state (3352) - 58(8) images]
Aug 28 19:22:32 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 520 - Closing event 3352, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:22:32 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 14000 - Capturing at 21.28 fps]
Aug 28 19:22:33 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1000 - Analysing at 14.29 fps]
Aug 28 19:22:44 pine64 zmc[7183]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 3000 - Capturing at 15.38 fps]
Aug 28 19:22:46 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:22:47 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 348,257, at count 818]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 818 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 818 - Opening new event 3353, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7494]: WAR [Signal: Lost]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7494]: WAR [Signal: Reacquired]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1122 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:22:48 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1122 - Opening new event 3354, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:22:49 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1123 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:22:49 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 39, image 14339, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:22:49 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 350,198, at count 819]
Aug 28 19:22:49 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 350,197, at count 820]
Aug 28 19:22:49 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 349,197, at count 821]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 348,195, at count 822]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 348,195, at count 823]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 345,193, at count 824]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1148 - Left alarm state (3354) - 51(1) images]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1148 - Closing event 3354, alarm end]
Aug 28 19:22:50 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 344,192, at count 825]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 343,193, at count 826]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 342,193, at count 827]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 828 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 342,197, at count 829]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 829 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:22:51 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 830 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:22:54 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 336,178, at count 845]
Aug 28 19:22:54 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 845 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:22:54 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 318,190, at count 846]
Aug 28 19:22:54 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got alarm centre at 325,180, at count 847]
Aug 28 19:22:54 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 848 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:22:59 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 48, image 14498, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:22:59 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 71,153, at count 1268]
Aug 28 19:22:59 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1268 - Gone into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:23:07 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 16, image 14516, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:07 pine64 zmc[7183]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 20, image 3220, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:11 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1 needs restarting, time since last analysis 13 seconds (1472404991-1472404978)]
Aug 28 19:23:12 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1268 - Opening new event 3355, alarm start]
Aug 28 19:23:15 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:23:15 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 16, image 14566, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:15 pine64 zmwatch[24849]: INF [Restarting analysis daemon for  WEBCAM_1]
Aug 28 19:23:16 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 16 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:23:16 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:23:17 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' sending stop to pid 7605 at 16/08/28 19:23:17]
Aug 28 19:23:17 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1269 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:23:19 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 40, image 14590, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:20 pine64 zmc[7183]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 21, image 3271, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:20 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:23:20 pine64 zmc[7183]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 22 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:23:20 pine64 zma[7605]: INF [WEBCAM_1: 867 - Closing event 3353, shutting down]
Aug 28 19:23:21 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:23:21 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 116,141, at count 1270]
Aug 28 19:23:25 pine64 zmdc[24721]: WAR ['zma -m 3' has not stopped at 16/08/28 19:23:25. Sending KILL to pid 7605]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1270 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Buffer overrun at index 48, image 14648, slow down capture, speed up analysis or increase ring buffer size]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmdc[24721]: INF ['zma -m 3' exited normally]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmc[5921]: WAR [Last image read from shared memory 1472405008 seconds ago, zma may have gone away]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 113,142, at count 1271]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to decode jpeg]
Aug 28 19:23:28 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 111,141, at count 1272]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 60,144, at count 1273]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 59,144, at count 1274]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 60,144, at count 1275]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 61,143, at count 1276]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 62,142, at count 1277]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1278 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zmpkg[7857]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zmpkg[7857]: INF [Command: stop]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 165,112, at count 1283]
Aug 28 19:23:29 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1283 - Gone back into alarm state]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 77,113, at count 1284]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 73,115, at count 1285]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 38,155, at count 1286]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 38,155, at count 1287]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 38,154, at count 1288]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 35,155, at count 1289]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 31,160, at count 1290]
Aug 28 19:23:30 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got alarm centre at 66,181, at count 1291]
Aug 28 19:23:31 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1292 - Gone into alert state]
Aug 28 19:23:31 pine64 systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Aug 28 19:23:36 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:23:36 pine64 zmc[7183]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:23:36 pine64 zmc[5921]: INF [Got signal 15 (Terminated), exiting]
Aug 28 19:23:38 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Select error: Interrupted system call]
Aug 28 19:23:38 pine64 zma[7494]: INF [WEBCAM_2: 1296 - Closing event 3355, shutting down]
Aug 28 19:23:38 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to extract subheader data]
Aug 28 19:23:39 pine64 zmc[7183]: ERR [Unable to get response, disconnecting]
Aug 28 19:23:39 pine64 systemd[1]: Unit zoneminder.service entered failed state.
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by SteveGilvarry »

Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: ERR [Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers]
Aug 28 19:16:57 pine64 zmc[6048]: FAT [Maximum number (25) of JPEG errors reached, exiting]

Looks like something is wrong or at least outside ZM's ability to handle whatever is in this JPEG.

And all those buffer overruns indicate you are overloading the system
Production Zoneminder 1.37.x (Living dangerously)
Random Selection of Cameras (Dahua and Hikvision)
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by evolotion »

Bump for thoughts? Im getting sanity check, then status stopped message, aprox once a day, on 1.30 will look into it further over the weekend.
Not Sure
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by Not Sure »

Me too.

I can check it every few days and it's fine. I checked it tonight and zone minder service is stopped (1.29) and all of my monitors are red instead of green when I launch the ZM console. This happens over and over on ubuntu 16.04 server LTS.

I don't get it. I can immediately restart the service from the GUI when it is stopped. I do not have to reboot the server.

Is there a way we can set up a cron job to restart the service automatically every day? I don't want to check it all the time :)

Worst thing is, I go to pull down all the logs and it says 500 server error.
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by knight-of-ni »

This should be added to the FAQ because it gets asked all the time, and it is fairly common with Rasp Pi users since it is relatively easy to put too much of a load on the hardware. If ZoneMinder stops by itself, then that means you have run out of hardware resources. If you event log doesn't show or you get HTTP 500 then that only confirms it.

It is up to you to figure out where the bottleneck is occurring on your system. Lower the frame rate in the camera, don't attach more than 1-2 cameras to a raspberry pi, verify you are not running out of /dev/shm ram disk, use mysqltuner to tune your sql dB, make sure your cpu is not running > 75% all the time.
Put a value into the MAX fps field that is 1 fps higher than what is in the camera to keep the cpu from spiking if the camera goes offline.
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by Not Sure »

knnniggett, that is good info. I posted my issue in the RPi thread because the problem description was similar. I am running ZM 1.29 on Ubuntu server 16.04 (GUI-less) 64bit on a Dell 2.0GHz quad-core mini PC with 4GB RAM and a 500GB SATA HDD.

As far as I know, I'm not hitting any performance bottlenecks... but *something* has to be stopping the service, right? I have gracefully rebooted the box a couple of times and also ran the ubuntu package upgrades in case something happened to be buggy.

Do you know where I can find resources on how to pull logs down from the CLI since the GUI isn't playing nicely? Or maybe what location I can narrow it down to in the GUI log display? It just displays everything right now.

I'm no linux admin but I'm working on it.

I just did a straight install of ubuntu followed by the "1.29 on ubuntu server the easy way" from the docs.


zm (Ubuntu 16.04 64bit / Linux 4.4.0-38-generic) - IP (removed) Uptime: 8 days, 20:16:24

CPU [| 12.9%] CPU 12.9% nice: 0.0% MEM 24.1% active: 1.12G SWAP 0.5% LOAD 4-core
MEM [||| 24.1%] user: 11.0% irq: 0.0% total: 3.29G inactive: 1.36G total: 3.42G 1 min: 0.81
SWAP [ 0.5%] system: 0.9% iowait: 0.7% used: 812M buffers: 379M used: 16.8M 5 min: 0.36
idle: 87.3% steal: 0.0% free: 2.50G cached: 1.64G free: 3.41G 15 min: 0.13

NETWORK Rx/s Tx/s TASKS 157 (240 thr), 1 run, 156 slp, 0 oth sorted automatically by cpu_percent, flat view
enp1s0 3.06Mb 68Kb
lo 0b 0b CPU% MEM% VIRT RES PID USER NI S TIME+ R/s W/s Command
8.9 1.9 418M 64.2M 21019 www-data 0 S 0:17.10 0 0 /usr/bin/zma -m 3

2016-09-30 18:41:35 No warning or critical alert detected
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by knight-of-ni »

Under normal conditions, you should not be running your system anywhere near the limits of your cpu, memory, hard disk, or ram disk (/dev/shm).
You have to watch all your system resources system over a period of time. All it takes is a spike from some external event or process and boom.

I use tools like top, iotop, free -m, and check your /dev/shm with df -m.
I'm sure there are some fancy gui tools out there, but I just stick with the command line stuff.

You should also install mysqltuner, run it multiple times over a week, and make the changes it suggests to your database engine. Generally, everyone should do this even if they aren't experiencing any issues.

The HTTP 500 error you get is a good clue that something non-ZoneMinder related is causing the problem. Maybe Apache ran out of memory, or maybe disk i/o was too high at that moment, or maybe your database bottlenecked. Look in your Apache or system logs for additional clues as to what was going on at the time.
Visit my blog for ZoneMinder related projects using the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Odroid, and the ESP8266
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by Not Sure »

The HTTP 500 error only happens when I try to pull specific logs, otherwise the GUI / montage /etc is fine. So apache *seems to to be* running ok. I will try running the CLI commands you mentioned when I get home. I use the program "glances" which is kind of like a fancy version of top. Nothing notable has come of it, but it would be nice to somehow trigger alerts for various things like CPU spikes/low memory. If there's a good CLI program for that, I'd love to know. Like you, I prefer to use the CLI. GUI is unnecessary overhead IMO.

I thought about it a bit, and this has only been happening since I installed the front yard camera. I flipped through the general ZM logs in the GUI and every now and then it was popping off a few of these errors in a row:


2016-09-30 22:09:13.861535 zma_m4 21031 WAR Approaching buffer overrun, consider slowing capture, simplifying analysis or increasing ring buffer size zm_monitor.cpp 1315
2016-09-30 22:09:09.308305 zma_m4 21031 WAR Approaching buffer overrun, consider slowing capture, simplifying analysis or increasing ring buffer size zm_monitor.cpp 1315
2016-09-30 22:09:08.762409 zma_m4 21031 WAR Approaching buffer overrun, consider slowing capture, simplifying analysis or increasing ring buffer size zm_monitor.cpp 1315


This is coming solely from my front yard camera, a Foscam FI9821P. Since I never looked at the logs as a baseline before the issue started, I do not know if this is correlating or causative.

While I presume "slowing capture" must mean decreasing the FPS of the feed, I don't know what simplifying the analysis or increasing the ring buffer is. I'm willing to try anything, since overall system stability is completely compromised at the moment.

Thanks again,
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by mikb »

Slowing capture: Indeed, reduce the FPS sent by the camera.

Simplifying the analysis: Fewer zones, smaller zones. If you can get away with it. Comes as a side effect of lowering the resolution, if you dare!

Increasing the ring buffer: Look at your per-camera settings for this camera, under "Source"/"Buffers" there's an "Image Buffer Size (frames)" which is used to store images between the capturing process and the analysis process. If this buffer is too small, it can overflow and you will lose images. If you have enough shared memory, you can increase that buffer count.
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by migo »

Hi, I've this problem since upgrade from zm 1.24 (debian oldstable). Sometime zm server goes to stopped state and I can't find a reason for that. ZM 1.24 had never done this. Strange is that all monitors (modect) continue recording while zm server is stopped but you can't see live pictures form monitors, all are red colored.

How can I find reason for that behavior? Thanx in advance,

best regards

Not Sure
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by Not Sure »

In the settings for the camera that was triggering the buffer overrun messages, I edited the default "Image buffer size (frames)" from 50 to 150 and let it run overnight. Sure enough, no further warnings from that monitor. Load on the system still seems well within normal, so that may have solved my issue.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll keep an eye on it and report back if the service keeps stopping randomly again.
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by fernandoavc »

Have u solved the problem of the server switch to stopped status?

It is still happening to me, I'm on ZM 1.29 and RPi 3 server... only one IPCamera connected.... same logs with that termination signal until the server falls....anyone have any clue about how to fix it?
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Re: Zoneminder switches to status stopped automatically

Post by fernandoavc »

Just bumping to see if someone have any clue or hint....