Rotating recording

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Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:15 pm

Rotating recording

Post by RyGy7 »

I can't seem to get my filter working correctly and I thought I understood the phrasing but It's not correct.
The goal is to record in 30 minute chunks then delete everything older than 10 hours in this case. Eventually I want to push to 24 hours if my disk can withstand it.

Archive status -> equal to -> unarchived
AND Monitor name -> equal to -> Front_Door
OR Monitor name -> equal to -> Back_Door
OR Monitor name -> equal to -> Driveway
OR Monitor name -> equal to -> Walkway
OR Monitor name -> equal to -> Garage
AND Date/Time -> less than -> -10 hour

So with this the filter is running but its deleting the previous 30 minute record. So only keeping the most current 30 minute clip.

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Re: Rotating recording

Post by mikb »

I can't see anything obviously wrong with your syntax, although I use "Date" "Less Than" "7 days ago" (rather than "-7 day")

Thought ... while experimenting, set up the filter how you want, and use "Submit" to see what events *would be* affected, without actually doing any harm.

Only when that returns the correct list of events to delete: Use "Execute" to make it actually do it.

When that's correct, then get clever and set it running (amok) in the background :)
Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:15 pm

Re: Rotating recording

Post by RyGy7 »

thanks for the tip of using "days ago". I have been testing and getting odd results, i'm not worried about losing anything just yet so i'm running it more like

Monitor name -> equal to -> Driveway

And Archive status -> equal to -> unarchived
And Date/Time -> less than -> 2 hours ago

So if i hit submit with just one monitor "Driveway" it performs as expected, removes anything older than two hours. (actually 1.5hr but close)

If i hit submit as shown in my example below, where I want two monitors to run this filter with the "OR" It deletes everything from driveway and anything older than 2 hours for walkway.

Monitor name -> equal to -> Driveway
OR Monitor name -> equal to -> Walkway

And Archive status -> equal to -> unarchived
And Date/Time -> less than -> 2 hours ago

Where am i going wrong?