Scale in URL for Kiosk

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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Scale in URL for Kiosk

Post by MKEbrew »

Upgraded from 1.34 to 1.36.3. I have a monitor setup as a kiosk that of course automatically loads a URL for a specific group of cameras and auto logs in via the URL using a restricted user. This URL used view, group, username, and password which are all still working. It also used "scale=98" at the end to shrink the images just enough to remove the scrollbar from the screen.

It seems this scale variable is no longer an option in the URL. What might be the best method for forcing a scale on a specific user or any kind of replacement method to mimic what I was doing in 1.34?
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Re: Scale in URL for Kiosk

Post by MKEbrew »

I'm wrong. Scale still seems to scale. What I am seeing is that I went from having two rows of three monitors on v1.34, to having three rows of two monitors on v1.36, and this does not jive on the monitor we're using. In v1.34 dropping it to 98% scale was all I needed. Now I'm dropping to 95 and still not getting results.

I can't figure out what else has changed. I have verified zoom levels on the browser as well, just in case.
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Re: Scale in URL for Kiosk

Post by burger »

I haven't tested 1.36 yet, but if you are only streaming the feeds, fix the width and height, then set scale to keep bandwidth / CPU use down. Scale is for the video resolution. e.g. if you have a 2K feed, but it's only displaying in 640x480, then you will scale it, because you don't need the 2k pixels, you only need at most 640x480.

If you keep scale at 100 (100%), then you are essentially taking a 2K stream into memory, then dropping all the data and outputting to 640x480. So you lower the scale, so that you only take a down sampled stream into memory on the client.

Example here (also has info on making a kiosk):

There is also a guide on using ZMNinja for a kiosk here:
fastest way to test streams:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path ./output.mp4 (if terminal only)
ffplay rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path (gui)
find paths on ispydb or in zm hcl

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Re: Scale in URL for Kiosk

Post by iconnor »

Best way to force how the images fit is to do it in css on the html you are using. Set width=33% (or 32%). So in the image tag just add style="width:33%;" Scaling to 98% is really arbitrary and adding a lot of extra cpu use on the server.
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