Released 1.34.23 My Friend of Misery

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Released 1.34.23 My Friend of Misery

Post by iconnor »

Changes since 1.34.22

- allow dashes and underscores in log file name. Fixes some scripts not logging to file.
- fix setting values in perl ORM. Allow empty string as a default value.
- Documentation updates about Purge By Age Filter
- Get rid of zmEventScaleAuto cookie. Just use the per monitor zmEventScale cookie. Fixes #3070
- Revert to FriendsOfCake instead of our fork, as they have merged our patch.
- Honor conf.d (
- Fixes recovering frames from jpegs when recovering events in zmaudit/zmrecover.
- gracefully handle no services in ONVIF response.
- more mysql 8 quoting fixes
- Log view: handle minTime and maxTime being specified as either a timstamp or a datetime. Remove duplicated query building code. Reduce ram requirements when exporting logs.
- Fix Clear Log by using minTime and maxTime as timestamps. Fix export including unselected filters.
- Make /dev/shm files 660 so that other processes in the www-data group can access them.
- Fix issue with timeline where it only shows first frame
- fixes to some PTZ scripts
- remove test for negative pts in ffmpeg camera. Negative pts is ok.
- When not capturing don't try to create mmap. Fixes #3112
- Fixed issue where mysql_free_result can get called twice when a vaild username with an incorrect password is used.
- Fixes to dark css to make it look better
- remove the word all from the checkbox column. Make the column narrower.

Full Changelog

I expect this will be the last release in the 1.34 series unless someone else wants to maintain it.
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