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TrendNet TV-IP301W

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:45 pm
by denis
Hi all, i'm trying to use this camera with zm and i'm found
some "interest" things:
1- ZM don't send \r\n (such RFC said) at the end of "GET", but only "\n"
2- mjpeg video can be obtained with url/goform/video3
3- cam don't send a successful code, it simply start transmitting a stream
4- stream is multipart/mixed, i've see that zm doesn't know this, have you an idea? is it similar to multipart/x-mixed-...?
5- cam reply with syntax erractly boundry=cellvision instead of boundary=cellvision

someone had sometimes to spend with me?
i don't know nothing about streaming, and so i don't know where to start...

thank you!

TV-IP 301W

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:37 pm
by sabin

1. where is the jpeg from the camera?
I found it for at TV-IP 100, help is all over the
places, but from TV-IP 301W not a chance.

2. can I stream with vlc a webcam connected to another
computer and capture it in zm?

seems like you are one step ahead.
Thank you

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:51 pm
by AmmarossDanan
ZM don't send \r\n (such RFC said) at the end of "GET", but only "\n"
check this post: ... hlight=rfc

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:23 am
by cordel
Please if your going to qoute a referance, It is good form to provide a link back to that reference material.

Thank you Ammaross.


TV-IP 301W

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:47 pm
by sabin
still can't get jpeg from camera
any ideea

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:39 am
by denis
you can get mjpeg video from:

maybe mpeg4 from:

the vlc is a good idea, in this days
i'll give it a try!


TV-IP 301W & VLC streaming

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:59 pm
by sabin
1. I have tried :

from browser I can save a still jpeg from camera
then save as mpeg4.jpg
when I open the picture, it is ok,
but zm cannot recive any.

I feel I'm running in circles here, please help me
if you know more then I do.

2. Streaming with VLC - still reading manuals here,
but hey, I'm good at reading.
So there are 2 situations:
- streaming from network windows box ,
- streaming from network linux (v4l).
and then reciving the stream in zm.


Re: TV-IP 301W & VLC streaming

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:18 pm
by denis
sabin wrote:1. I have tried :

from browser I can save a still jpeg from camera
then save as mpeg4.jpg
when I open the picture, it is ok,
but zm cannot recive any.
from /goform/mpeg4 you should obtain
a mpeg4 streaming not yet compatible with ZM

check that your camera settings is MJPEG and not MPEG4!

if i remember well sniffing IPview pro it always use
/goform/mpeg4 also if camera is set to MJPEG.
go on reading...
sabin wrote: 2. Streaming with VLC - still reading manuals here,
but hey, I'm good at reading.
So there are 2 situations:
- streaming from network windows box ,
- streaming from network linux (v4l).
and then reciving the stream in zm.

now i want to try with vlc to reproduce mjpeg streaming
from (i think) goform/video3 (or mpeg4) and,
because this isn't a standard streaming, restream it
in some format that ZM know.