I'm trying to setup like this:
Two ZM servers in separated LANs, which are connected only by VPN (via gsm network).
I want to spare bandwidth between LANs, so multiserver is not a solution, because, as far as I know, Multiserver shares some background - storage and DB.
So, in LAN2 there will be ZM2 with two cameras and its own storage, alarms etc - standard config with no tricks. Almost. Only trick is to share camera streams to ZM1, like this:
https://wiki.zoneminder.com/How_to_shar ... _ZM_Server
In ZM1 in LAN1 I want to add those streams (it works for me), but... only with monitoring on demand. Which means, that the stream should not be received as long as I don't need to watch the cams. Is it possible something like this? I thought that I need Nodect function, but looks that streaming is still on air in this function..?
camera to activate only on demand
Re: camera to activate only on demand
Not in 1.36. You need 1.37.