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Zoneminder 0 Bytes Until Event is Played back

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:12 pm
by tmart1129
Hi all, I currently have a zoneminder installation in a virtual machine with about 45 cameras that I have recording to a NAS via NFS share. The install has been working great for some time now, but we had a bit of a hiccup where our separate ZM database VM had crashed along with our NAS, the installs got a bit funky until everything was rebooted.

However now everything is back up and running besides for the storage is showing 0 bytes for all events being recorded, unless I play one back then it updates with the appropriate storage for it but only for that event. I also believe now our storage isnt seeing that it is as full as it should be so it is starting to not delete the events as it should, unless its just a coincidence and the filter to clear storage hasn't run yet, but it seems to have gone much further past the threshold for deleting before it gets full. It should be deleting at 80% but is up to 83% now, not a huge concern yet, but it will be eventually if it continues.
Screenshot_1.jpg (43.84 KiB) Viewed 638 times

Re: Zoneminder 0 Bytes Until Event is Played back

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:16 am
by dougmccrary will do its best to...

Re: Zoneminder 0 Bytes Until Event is Played back

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:15 pm
by tmart1129
It appears I'm just a dummy. I removed the update diskspace filter because i toggled update diskspace on all the other filters for clearing when too much space or too much time passed, but that didn't update them and I just completely forgot that I did that and it was the cause of it. So I just recreated the filter, not sure why I have to have a dedicated filter for it when there's a toggle on the other ones, but that fixed the issue.

Re: Zoneminder 0 Bytes Until Event is Played back

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:56 pm
by dougmccrary
not sure why I have to have a dedicated filter for it
by iconnor ยป Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:13 pm
The Update Disk Space filter updates the db entry....

It is too resource intensive to constantly query the fs for this, so we do it once in the background.

Re: Zoneminder 0 Bytes Until Event is Played back

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:27 pm
by iconnor
Sometime soon in 1.37, it won't be needed anymore but yeah, it's about scaling. Not all storage is super fast nvme. Sometimes it is remote mounted nfs or amazon s3 or something even worse.