Linked Monitor Lost its mind

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Linked Monitor Lost its mind

Post by Burtski »

Running ZM 1.37.53
From one camera I have two monitors ( my system has a total of 11 cameras ).
Monitor 1 is a high resolution feed at 15 Fps
Monitor 2 is the same camera low resolution ( 640 X 480, 5fps) for motion detection.
Monitor 1 is linked only to Monitor 2 all zones.

Monitor 2 appears to be working the way that I want it to.
Monitor 1 has lost its mind.
Monitor 2 shows 10 events in the last hour, Monitor 1 shows 2474 events, none of which are in the last hour.
The events don't make sense.

There 100's of events that all started at 00:00:43 and have varying lengths.
The latest event shows a duration of 8:26:41 but 122 frames and 8 alarm frames.
The previous event shows the same start time, duration is 8:25:56 and 121 frames.
This goes on for 100's of events.

There are 1000's of events.

The Log is filled with:
zms_e336399 Attempt to directly assign buffer.... zm_image.cpp line 674
zms_e36399 Attempt to assign empty buffer ... zm_image.cpp 781
zms_e36399 Can't open /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2024-02-28/36399/00004-capture.jpg: No such file or directory zm_image.cpp line 992

Also getting
2/28/24, 8:46:37 AM CST zmc_m1 65487 WAR Susan West: event 36420, has exceeded desired section length. 1709131597 - 1709100043 = 31545 >= 600 zm_monitor.cpp 2310

Hope that makes sense..

I have another camera setup the same way.
The low res motion is working.
The linked high resolution is only recording 10 seconds ~200 frames.
I have post event set to 300 ( 20 fps ).
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Re: Linked Monitor Lost its mind

Post by Burtski »

Never mind I guess....
I deleted both monitors and re-installed them.
Appears to be much more sane.

However as I was reinstalling them and Monitors 19 and 20, I noticed that monitors 1 and 2 still existed.
It was going to allow me to link the High res monitor to a monitor that I had deleted.

Mess database problem??
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Re: Linked Monitor Lost its mind

Post by dougmccrary »

Well, deleted monitors actually are just marked in the DB. That's so you can re-use it if you want. So I think you're describing intended operation.
Other than the crazyness, that is.
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Re: Linked Monitor Lost its mind

Post by iconnor »

Just pushed a fix to not list deleted monitors.
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