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Tapo C310

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:19 pm
by Hillwalker
Just got one of these to replace a cheap Chinese camera that died on me... This one is not quite as cheap but at least comes from a decent brand (TP-Link).

The short story is that it does work, but has limitations, as you might expect. It supports rtsp - you have to define the username and password for the connection via the app (must use app to set up - there is NO web interface). Then it's:
rtsp://username:password@ipaddress:554/stream1 for hi res and .../stream2 for lo res (640x360).
Through the app you can set the hi res to one of three settings (720P, 1080P, and 2304x1296).

You can plug in a microSD for recording, or use a paid cloud service, or a generic NVR such as Zoneminder. In fact you can do any TWO of these three at the same time, but not all three (seems fair enough).

The main limitation/bad news for me was that there is no way to change the FPS ... it is fixed at 15fps. This is a big nuisance if you want to do continuous recording for long periods without enormous storage. The lo res comes in at just over 20kB/s ... do your own sums.

On the other hand the phone app is quite decent without being fancy: you can set multiple detection modes and zones, and it will notify you if you want, without using the paid cloud service. At the moment I plan to use the app and SD storage for day-to-day alert monitoring, with Zoneminder doing a continuous backup to cover the scenario where some scrote nicks the camera...