Reolink Duo 2 PoE - Main Video

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Reolink Duo 2 PoE - Main Video

Post by jsylvia007 »

Howdy all! So I've been swapping the cameras at my dad's house away from the Q-SEE ones as they've started dying at an alarming rate.

I purchased a couple Reolink RLC-520A cameras, firmware v3.1.0.801_22010701, and they work absolutely perfectly. Zero issues.

I also purchased a Reolink Duo 2 PoE and it's given me nothing but trouble. I upgraded the firmware to: v3.0.0.1337_22091900, which is the latest for this camera, and the main (full size) "channel" only works if I completely restart the zoneminder service. If I change ANYTHING about that monitor, I need to restart all of zoneminder. After that it seems pretty stable, but I've only got a couple days runtime.

The Sub-channel works perfectly, no issues there.

Note I'm using RTSP on all the monitors, as I can't get any of the RTMP links to work with them, even though many people say that Reolink (and their own website) supports it.

The error that happens in the log is this:

Code: Select all

Unable to open input rtsp://<<CAM_IP>>:554//h264Preview_01_main due to: Immediate exit requested
Anyway, Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Reolink Duo 2 PoE - Main Video

Post by Magic919 »

Sounds like the camera to me.

Scroll down about a dozen threads and someone else here is using one. They also mention a URL which seems to indicate RTMP is involved.
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