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Analysis Image Corruption

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 3:55 pm
by modonnell
Hi all,

I have been using Zoneminder for many years running with Ubuntu 20.04 and the default package supplied Zoneminder install. I finally decided to catch up with the latest releases and have attempted to move to using the packages supplied by iconner. I initially did this in a docker image which showed up the image corruption but have tried installing on the host outside of the docker image and have the same issue. I did not see any of these issues using the default package supplied Zoneminder.

The issue is using the iconner supplied package and release 1.36.15.

To see what was happening I have setup a single camera(working under old install) and defined a single zone for modect. The motion detection is almost permanently triggered looking at the stored frames there is clearly corruption. I have watched the live feed and I do not see this corruption. I have attached an image showing the corruption of a captured frame. The corrupt frames can be single frames or runs of corrupt frames.

Any one any ideas to help me move forward? Do you need any more details.

Thanks Mat.
broke.JPG (193.13 KiB) Viewed 349 times

Re: Analysis Image Corruption

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 3:04 pm
by modonnell
This appears to have been my mistake. I have never seen the analysis images before as they always failed to create on the default package install system.

I had copied over my settings from my old install as best as I could but it would appear that it was to sensitive on the new install, not sure why maybe I copied the settings wrong. Tweaks to the settings has calmed down the always triggering and it appears to be working.