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1.37 monitors API bugs and a small question

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:03 am
by MarsRover
Hi there, I'm developing a template for monitoring ZM on Zabbix 4.4 (don't ask, customer won't upgrade).

Found some bugs:
1. monitors.json and monitor/<id>.json use incorrect Id (monitor Id instead of ManufacturerId) to return Manufacturer and CameraModel:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/curl -sS --noproxy localhost http://localhost/zm/api/monitors/3.json | jq .
  "monitor": {
    "Monitor": {
      "Id": "3",
      "Name": "third",
      "Notes": "",
      "ServerId": "0",
      "StorageId": "3",
      "ManufacturerId": "12",
      "ModelId": "27",
      "Type": "Ffmpeg",
------------- cut -------------------
    "Monitor_Status": {
      "MonitorId": "3",
      "Status": "Connected",
      "CaptureFPS": "25.00",
      "AnalysisFPS": "0.00",
      "CaptureBandwidth": "194361"
    "Event_Summary": {
      "MonitorId": "3",
      "TotalEvents": "2097",
      "TotalEventDiskSpace": "238373534279",
      "HourEvents": "11",
      "HourEventDiskSpace": "0",
      "DayEvents": "169",
      "DayEventDiskSpace": "3466844284",
      "WeekEvents": "883",
      "WeekEventDiskSpace": "79973436275",
      "MonthEvents": "2097",
      "MonthEventDiskSpace": "238373534279",
      "ArchivedEvents": "0",
      "ArchivedEventDiskSpace": "0"
    "Manufacturer": {
      "Id": "3",
      "Name": "Airlink101"
    "CameraModel": {
      "Id": "3",
      "Name": "A24",
      "ManufacturerId": "1"
2. /host/getDiskPercent.json shows unrelated info in space

Code: Select all

  "usage": {
    "pin": {
      "space": "0",
      "color": "#2615b6"
    "forche": {
      "space": "3.814697265625E-6",
      "color": "#42b147"
    "third": {
      "space": "3.814697265625E-6",
      "color": "#5eb348"
    "top_1": {
      "space": "3.814697265625E-6",
      "color": "#11fa51"
    "top_2": {
      "space": "3.814697265625E-6",
      "color": "#dc9f57"
    "counter": {
      "space": "3.814697265625E-6",
      "color": "#6e35ed"
    "upper": {
      "space": "0",
      "color": "#44e284"
    "vily": {
      "space": "0",
      "color": "#514082"
    "Total": {
      "space": "102.70781326294",
      "color": "#F7464A"
Question: Fetching only volatile monitor data
Since Zabbix is a monitoring system, I don't need to fetch all static info like monitor setting every minute (which is what I have to do now). It wold be great choice to be able get only volatile data, especially Monitor_Status (for current Status and Bandwidth) and Event_Summary . Is that possible?

Thanks is advance!