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Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:21 pm
by RNikki
I'm Running zoneminder V1.36.12 on truenas 12.0-u8.1, and i needed to do a fresh install of zoneminder.
Before it was working perfectly. but with the fresh install the Zoneminder is stuck in the Stopped State.
if I change the state to start, and press apply it remains in the Stopped state. I did several other reinstalls but all gave the same issue. There is also no error log about the state.

it also has exact the same settings as before. I try' d to find a solution but I'm not able to.

Has any1 else ever had this issue ?
And maybe knows the solution ?

thanks in advanced.

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:31 pm
by DDB455
Same issue, I've been using the 12.0 truenas with 1.36.12 updated to 12.2, issues arose then a new install with the same STOPPED issue.

1st time responder, just joined. I've been using Zonemider for a while now but not enough time to get really good at the inner parts.
Great product, great support even if some responses are way above some of us.
I've gone from linux w/ ZM, to windows docker w/ ZM, to now Truenas w/ZM, all are great however if/when I break it repairs/recoverys generally turn into a reinstall.

Thank you All

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:32 am
by Magic919
I doubt there's a lot of Truenas/Freenas users here.

What are you able to do? Can you get a console and run commands?

Can you try a basic test like

Code: Select all


Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:15 pm
by DDB455
Database already at version 1.36.12, update skipped. /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.32/mach/CORE/ Undefined symbol "strerror_l@FBSD_1.6"
root@ZM:~ #

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:37 pm
by DDB455
Fresh install so I can put in the camera info but without it starting I have nothing.
I really liked the plugin in truenas it just worked, I believe I messed it up when I was trying to get nextcloud working.
removed that plugin and its jail, worked on trying to get zoneminder going again, removed it reinstalled it (after having to update the community plugins for 12.2 because of an update during my nextcloud install)

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:48 pm
by DDB455
I setup Freenas a long ago on and old system and hadn't messed with it.
Planned a replacement and found they changed to Truenas and had a lot more bells and whistles.
Still not sure how to get to the zoneminder files to check configurations

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:09 pm
by Magic919
Is there anything stopping you moving to something greater than 12.2?

A quick Google showed this ... issues/994 Might help.

I have no Truenas/Freenas knowledge.

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:54 pm
by DDB455
This is what I used to select the versions of the plugins:

iocage fetch --server --root-dir /Pub/freebsd-archive/old-releases/amd64/

I tried a couple different versions and still toggle remains stopped and can't be started

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:59 pm
by RNikki
as it is for me a zoneminder issue I came to this forum. but I'm glad I'm not the only 1 with the issue as i can see that DDB455 is also struggling with the same thing.

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:58 pm
by DDB455
Nope not alone, happy it's not just me.
This was like a great pairing for me Truenas (freenas) & Zoneminder
I've done everything but re-install Truenas.

Anyone with any ideas please let me know what I can try.
Thank you in advance.

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:25 pm
by pb0909
I agree Truenas and Zoneminder is a great pairing, makes it so easy.

I am also having this same issue today, I had a unrelated problem, normally just fix these things by reinstalling Zoneminder, as it quite easy and often does the trick.
Now I have the same issue as you guys, unable to Start the 'run state'...

Have tried reinstalling a bunch of times with no luck, trashed the whole Pool where the jail was stored, and reinstalled again with no luck.
Hoping that someone can help us, as I know Zoneminder really quite well, I don't want or have time to learn another system.

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 7:22 pm
by DDB455
Welcome aboard.
I had removed and recreated the pool as well, plugin and jails oh my so many times.
I have a scout trip with our boy scout troop this weekend so here's to hope someone figures it out.
Looks like I might save some electric this weekend by turning off the freenas, might even give the cameras a rest.

Help, anyone?

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 7:52 pm
by dougmccrary
Do those of you running truenas have access to a command line and/or the ZM logs?
What I see so far suggests you only have the console....?

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:27 pm
by DDB455
I have installed just the Truenas and the plugin for Zoneminder which creates the jail.
Not sure how to get into a command line or the log files other than having access to the jails shell.
Totally new to Truenas

Please help direct us on this:

Do those of you running truenas have access to a command line and/or the ZM logs?
What I see so far suggests you only have the console....?

Re: Zoneminder stuck in Stopped State

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:53 am
by Magic919
I think you’d be better off on a Truenas forum.