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Filter only showing events 3 days behind for user

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:56 pm
by pennyzm

I'm having an issue with a user trying to filter events and look at recently recorded events. Specifically: When the user filters the events, it's only showing events from 3 days ago.
The user is filtering by "monitor name" equal to "name of monitor", "start/date time" "desc" "limit to first 200".
What's odd is that regardless if they use desc or asc the same events show up. It seems to increment, like today only the Jan. 16th shows and tomorrow only the 17th will show. It does it for any monitor name she tries to filter by.

My user is an admin, I am able to see the current day's events just fine. If I sort desc or asc, I get the different order of events as it should, but the user does not.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm looking through the forum and googling as well, but haven't found anything just yet.

Our current version of zoneminder is 1.36.12.
We're running it on ubuntu 20.04.3

Kind regards,

Re: Filter only showing events 3 days behind for user

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:49 pm
by iconnor
Check the pagination. Gets stored in a cookie and so can start your results on page 10.

Re: Filter only showing events 3 days behind for user

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:48 pm
by pennyzm
Thank you very much for your reply.
I apologize, how do I check the pagination?

Re: Filter only showing events 3 days behind for user

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:48 pm
by pennyzm

I've figured what you meant. I ran the filter and scrolled down and instead of showing "All" it had landed on page "200".
I selected "All" and refreshed. The user is able to see the most recent recordings again.

I re-ran the filter just to be sure and it's not starting on page 200 anymore, it's showing the recent recordings.

Thank you again.

Kind regards,