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Image analysis simulation / what-if

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:28 am
by rilny
So I'm trying to tune my zone settings for better motion detection. I have some false-positive clips where motion was detected but shouldn't have been... and vice versa, where there was motion that ZM didn't flag. I know I need to adjust my zone settings but it's not always obvious which values to change to get the desired results.

If I have a clip, or even just a pair of images from successive frames, is it possible to simulate the motion detection with different inputs and preview the results? It would be great to run this offline, on a transition from one fixed image to another, and see real-time analysis frames as the parameters are adjusted.

Re: Image analysis simulation / what-if

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:34 am
by kitkat
You could try using this to replay existing events and test various zone parameters: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=31355

Re: Image analysis simulation / what-if

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:57 am
by rilny
Thanks, that's pretty nice and I might try it. I started working on a different approach though, using zmbenchmark as a guide. I load two images (successive frames from a capture), manually configure a monitor, and call DetectMotion. It works surprisingly well and you can configure any of the zone settings this way. With some more work, I should be able to get something interactive that shows instant previews with zone adjustments. I'll post an update here once I've made some more progress!