Funding Update

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Funding Update

Post by iconnor »

First off a big thank you to everyone who has or does donate to ZoneMinder. We really appreciate it!

I wanted to give an update and idea of exactly how much money comes in per month. These are an average of over the last 90 days but are generally representative of the last year.

Paypal: $300.00 / month
Github Sponsors: $150.00 / month
Patreon: $125.00 / month
Open Collective: $250.00 / month

Our monthly hosting costs are around $300.

So around $500.00 per month to fund development. It's really not enough and development is likely to slow down.

Please note that I have not included paid development/support contracts in these numbers, just donations.

Unfortunately bountysource seems to have fallen apart and taken several thousand dollars that had been put to bounties.

So if you enjoy ZoneMinder and want to see it improve further, it might be a good time to make a donation.

Or if you have ideas or want to help out in others ways, join us on slack or just comment below.

Thanks for your time.
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