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Events restart at midnight.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:27 pm
by phils01
Hi all

I have a odd problem, Im sure is a setting i have missed.

I use zmtrigger to start/stop events, yesterday I started an event in he afternoon that ran through till the early hours of today.

However, ZM shows the event was stopped at 00:00:48 and a new event started immediately. I have event length set to 172800seconds (48hrs) for all my cameras, and there is nothign in cron that would trigger at midnight.

I need all my events to be contunuous, because I have pot-event scripts which process the video based on the event number.

Any idea what could cuase ZM to split my event at mindnight?

Thanks in advance

PS, when an event is split, is there anything in the database to say which events follow on?

Re: Events restart at midnight.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 5:03 pm
by iconnor
logrotate generally happens at midnight. After moving the logs we signal zm to reload.

There are ajax calls that will return the next event. Or you can just sql query for the next event for that monitor sorted by time or id.

Re: Events restart at midnight.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 6:13 pm
by phils01
Thank you - I had not thought about logrotate.

I will have a look at that, and see if I can find a way to not restart if it is recording an event.

Can you point me to what Ajax calls I can use? I have been use sql to query the next event my monitor, but I cannot guarantee that was part of the same triggered event, and my post-process scripts generate a video of the whole event and send it to another process. I dont want to end up missing part of the events.

