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Push Notification

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 5:13 pm
by cafftab
Been running well for a long time, but I had to renew my certificate. It did take a few uninstalls of the app and setting it back up. I also upgraded to 1.35.2. but still running ES 5.4. Now my push notifications don't work. I allowed notifications in ios, when it asked and checked ios settings to make sure. I made sure there were monitors in event server. What I notice is the tokens.txt file shows the token as disable even when deleted it and also goes back to disable if a manually enable it. My certificate checks out as valid. What may I have overlooked?

Re: Push Notification

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 7:19 pm
by cafftab
Seems like websockets has to be off for the enable push to work, maybe something changed because before I reinstalled ZmNinja I am pretty sure it was set to only use websockets