ImageBufferCount is too small. Needs to be at least XX

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ImageBufferCount is too small. Needs to be at least XX

Post by mflorezm »


I'm using some M3204 and one P3344 axis cameras thru onvif profile. The cameras are working at 800x600 resolution, 2 FPS, H.264.

The ZM server is working with FFmpeg, 800 x 600 res, 24 bits, but No matter what i tried, the log always shows me ImageBufferCount is too small. Needs to be at least XX. Either increase it or decrease time between keyframes.

I have changed the default Image Buffer Size (frames) from 20 to 21, 65, etc and always we have the same warning.

Axis don't have a keyframe interval parameter, so, i read on google, that it is better to duplicate the FPS on the GOV parameter, but it did not work too.

Does anybody know what right value should i set on axis to pass the FFMPEG analisis warning?

I have enough memory (~# df -h|grep "Filesystem\|shm")
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 1006M 216M 791M 22% /dev/shm

All help will be appreciated.


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Re: ImageBufferCount is too small. Needs to be at least XX

Post by iconnor »

Just keep increasing it until the messages go away.

The message is generated when we find that it has been too long since the last keyframe.