Creating zones with the API

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Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:41 pm

Creating zones with the API

Post by tcg »

I'm trying to automate creating monitors and zones with the API in version 1.30.4. I have the first part working and can create all the monitors but zones are causing me some problems. I pulled my code straight from the API docs. When I create a zone, I end up with values of "Infinity" and "NaN" in some of the Min/Max fields. I can then go in and select one of the values from the Preset drop down and resave the zone. However, the zone will not work until I move one at least one of the points manually and then resave. When I do that, it computes the area and then starts working. I have quite a few cameras so I'm trying to cut out the manual steps. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Code: Select all

curl -XPOST -b cookies.txt \ \
  -d "Zone[Name]=Lobby\
&Zone[Coords]=263,134 456,156 456,164 261,143\
Screenshot from 2018-03-09 07-12-53.png
Screenshot from 2018-03-09 07-12-53.png (20.93 KiB) Viewed 1531 times