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Question about setting up camera

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:56 pm
by bdacasc
Greetings from a Noob
I have manage to install version 1.29 on ubuntu. And I have also managed to setup 2 old Panasonic Cameras. Works great!
I have a silly question. I have a JWEV-348874-DEEDC too. This is a camera has nightvision (ir).

I can connect to the camera from a browser and adding user and password I do get a picture. This I did via local url on my lan.
That is ... etPassword

But I can not get this to work in Zoneminder and I am doing something wrong and are looking for some advice.
If I look under soruce I have used the follwowing setting:
Remote Protocol: Http
Remote Methode: Simple
Remote Hostname:
Remote Host Port: 99
Remote path: videostream.cgi
Target Colorespace: 8 Bit greyscale
Capture with:640
Capture Height:480
Orentation: Normal
Deinterlacing: Disabled

What is wrong with this?

Re: Question about setting up camera

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:51 am
by snake
The username and password must be passed to the camera, unless you have enabled a no-password required mode in the camera gui.
try using username:password@ipaddress
instead of just the ip address. You could also add it as arguments to the end of remote path. Either should work.

Re: Question about setting up camera

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:49 pm
by bdacasc
Plenty thanks for your reply, Snake.
Yes I did try to do as You suggested and use
This did not work
I did this from a browser. Do You mean that I should set this ( in ZM ?

Looking in the gui there is no way to remove the user and do "none-password-user" in the camera. Well, I can't see how to do this

I have also tried this settings
Remote Protocol: Http
Remote Methode: Simple
Remote Hostname:
Remote Host Port: 99
Remote path: /videostream.cgi?rate=0&user=admin&pwd=SecretPassword
Target Colorespace: 8 Bit greyscale
Capture with:640
Capture Height:480
Orentation: Normal
Deinterlacing: Disabled

This did not work either
I am just trying diffrent ways nothing seems to work

I the Remote path should there be a "/" or not ? I do not know.
I would be great to get it to work. It is a good camera.

Re: Question about setting up Wanscam JW-0004

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:50 am
by snake
bdacasc wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:49 pm I did try to do as You suggested and use
This did not work
I did this from a browser. Do You mean that I should set this ( in ZM ?
Yes. You put that in ZM.
bdacasc wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:49 pm Looking in the gui there is no way to remove the user and do "none-password-user" in the camera.
It's camera web server dependent.

for this Wanscam JW-0004 If you can get the MJPEG stream in the web browser (which you seem to have done) you should be able to put that path into Remote Hostname and Remote path. If you are confused whether to use slashes or not, refer to the wiki hardware list and review other camera paths. Also see the dummies guide or the Finding Camera Stream Paths in the wiki. And the official docs.

What software / firmware # is this wanscam? Are you sure the resolution is 640x480?