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Cannot see still images inside bulk frames

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:04 pm
by jbg70
I am using 1.29.0 and everything is OK.
I would like to update to 1.30.0 but I found an issue in new 1.30.0.
I am using a Debian Stretch just installed in a virtual machine and a couple of ipcam using Mocord method.
In the event list, click on the "Frames" column you can see the frames list groped by 100, (bulk frames).
If you click on frame id 100 (bulk frame), a new window with picture comes up with the correct image. If you want to go to the next or previous picture clicking "Next" or "Prev" at the bottom of the page, no picture is displayed.
So I can see only the bulk frames, and not the frames inside the bulk. The event streaming is OK.
The error message that appears in apache2 error log file is the following:

Code: Select all

[Wed Nov 23 20:02:15.696329 2016] [:error] [pid 29766] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Frame::$Id in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/Frame.php on line 73, referer:
[Wed Nov 23 20:02:15.746156 2016] [:error] [pid 29766] [client] ERR [No image path], referer:
Thanks for your help!

Re: Cannot see still images inside bulk frames

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:55 pm
by jbg70
Am I the only one looking the events frame by frame?
I just tried to compile master branch, and still not working, no possible to view frame number 99 or 101, or 199 and 201 and so on...
I would like to update to 1.30, but I cannot do.

Is there any plan to fix this issue? The issue is not present in 1.29.0!


Re: Cannot see still images inside bulk frames

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:40 pm
by marcmerlin
Thanks for finding my post viewtopic.php?p=105498
So I guess we are both seeing the same problem, although mine is a lot worse (you are just not able to see frames that were never recorded to start with due to bulk frames)
This is making ZM 100% useless for me. I've already tried to catch a thief twice, and twice ZM failed to record any frames at the time I needed it to.