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Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:24 pm
by mn1247
I have ZM 1.26.5 running on Linux Mint 17.1. I used the preset configuration option to setup my F19821W and am able to see a video stream. However, I cannot find any controls to adjust PZT

Here's the source string...

How do I access pan/zoom/tilt and control the IR LEDs and so forth?


Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:45 pm
by mn1247
Update: I did figure out to set the OPT_CONTROL flag. Here's my Control tab setup...

Control type: Foscam 19821W
Control device: (blank)
Control address:
(Rest of fields are defaults)

I get controls on the video screen, but they do not respond to clicks.

How to fix?

Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:45 am
by multiplex
for whatever reason the control device field where you enter the password for your 'admin' user. The newer foscam firmware makes you create a new user name and doesn't have 'admin' by default anymore. You'll need to create an admin user and give them permission to control the camera.

the script included with ZM has some bugs. zoom triggers IR lights. find out where the script is stored, and you can edit it to work properly.

Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:21 pm
by mn1247
Thanks for the help. I'd have spent forever trying to guess that :)

Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:00 pm
by mn1247
Still no luck, I'm afraid. I set the Control Device to the password for the camera's admin account (which has "operator" privs), but the camera won't respond to any of the controls. The source type is ffmpeg and the function is "Monitor", if that matters (the video looks fine, just the controls don't work). The "controllable" checkbox is on.

Any more suggestions?


Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:02 pm
by mn1247
I'm still having trouble getting the controls to work. Is there something I should edit? I'm afraid I'm new to ZM and still fairly new to linux. So, I'm not quite sure where to look to begin debugging this.

Does ZM expect ONVIF to be on a certain port?

I'd appreciate any help.


Re: Foscam F19821W setup for PZT on Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:57 pm
by bbunge
I seem to remember having problems with 1.26.5 controlling this camera. Add the PPA for ZM on Ubuntu and upgrade to ZM 1.28.1 and your camera should magically work!