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eyeZm v1.3 Available for iTunes download!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:40 pm
by jdhar
Version v1.3 has, in a record 2 days, has been approved by iTunes for download. It may take a day or two for iTunes to display the app to your region. The following list of new features have been implemented:

* HTTPS Support - use https:// in your server URL to use ZM over SSL
* Montage View - can tile up to 6 monitors per page with configurable ordering
* Improved multi-tasking support - restoring eyeZm from background will now log you in automatically
* Monitor Sorting - Monitors can be sorted by various parameters
* Server-list re-ordering
* Ability to clear log file to facilitate debugging

New features can also be found on our new-features page

Version 1.3 doesn't require any updates to the XML Plugin.
Our User-guide documentation has been updated with information on our new features. If you plan on using HTTPS/SSL support with ZM, we highly recommend you read our section on this to update your environment for secured v1.3 (

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:23 am
by beire
This is a great new version of eyezm!
Great work jai!

Really love the new montage view and auto refesh. After using it for a while now i wouldn't want to revert to 1.2 anymore !

Little request: would it be possible / interesing to add a feature where eyezm detects whether you're on wifi or edge/3g to automatically adjust the x264 bitrate streaming? Lower on 3g - higher on wifi.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:31 pm
by jdhar
beire wrote: Little request: would it be possible / interesing to add a feature where eyezm detects whether you're on wifi or edge/3g to automatically adjust the x264 bitrate streaming? Lower on 3g - higher on wifi.
Just wait until we get v2.0 out, the UI will be improved greatly :)

And that's a great request! I have added it to our feature-request sheet, and once we do a review of what features will make it into 2.0, we will post that list on our RSS feed. Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:40 pm
by beire
jdhar wrote:
beire wrote: Little request: would it be possible / interesing to add a feature where eyezm detects whether you're on wifi or edge/3g to automatically adjust the x264 bitrate streaming? Lower on 3g - higher on wifi.
Just wait until we get v2.0 out, the UI will be improved greatly :)

And that's a great request! I have added it to our feature-request sheet, and once we do a review of what features will make it into 2.0, we will post that list on our RSS feed. Thanks for the suggestion!
Always glad to help, wherever my growing knowledge is welcome :)
Your beta program helped me greatly in improving my personal and office server setups!

Handling - User certificate required

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:14 pm
by lenja
Just downloaded eyeZM and haven't prepared the ZM server yet
However, I tried quickly to connect without sucess

I have a kind of strict setup:
- Only allowing port 443, SSL from the outside
- A user certificate is required, e.g. one of my own certificates

Both the User and CA cert is installed in the iPhone cert store

When connecting with with eyeZM it responds with somthing like:
"Error connecting, The´server "x.y.z" requires a client certificate"

Which is correct :wink:

Browsing to the the same URL works OK, I have to select the correct certificate, etc.

I would prefer to keep this strict setup

Can/Will eyezm support this user cert requirement?

Re: Handling - User certificate required

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:07 pm
by jdhar
lenja wrote: - Only allowing port 443, SSL from the outside
- A user certificate is required, e.g. one of my own certificates
Just to clarify, are you using a self-signed certificate, or did you create your own CA and sign your certificate with that?
Both the User and CA cert is installed in the iPhone cert store

When connecting with with eyeZM it responds with somthing like:
"Error connecting, The´server "x.y.z" requires a client certificate"

Which is correct :wink:

Browsing to the the same URL works OK, I have to select the correct certificate, etc.
This is actually not correct. If you used your own CA to sign your own certificate, Safari should not ask you for a certificate.

eyeZm will support your own certificate and CA combination, but they must be 'pushed' to your device properly. A self-signed certificate will not work.

See our user-guide for more information . There are some links in there with more info.

Just to give you some background on why self-signed certificates (or improperly formed/stored certs) are required, it's an iOS limitation, not an eyeZm one. iOS requires that to play movies over HTTPS, you must used a fully secured connection, which means CA + Client certs. So for example, with Safari, you can browse to HTTPS sites that use invalid certs and it will ask if you want to accept the certificate. However, if any of these sites has a link to a movie that plays over HTTPS, it will not work.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:53 pm
by lenja
I have a root CA, and that CA signed the CSR for the User cert
So the user cert is not self signed

I used "tinyCA2" when creating the certs

The apache server is configured to require user certs signed by the root CA
Both the CA and user cert is installed as "Trusted under my iPhone profile

Haven't used Safri until I got the iPhone. Mainly Firefox and IE8

But I have never had any issues with any of the certificates before
Secure e-mail, signing doc and authetication to different parts of my Apache server

in the PC IE8, it never asks for the usert cert, but Firefox asks every time, although I have ticked "Remeber my selection"

Don't know how Safari normally handles this

But if I use the iPhone Safari to login to my https://x.y.z/zm site
It first asks: "This site requires a certificate. Do you want to continue"
After pressing Continue, I get a list of 2 certificates to choose from

Only one of them signed/issued by my root CA

Tested a bit more now that I'm back home. When using Safari I can login to ZM, but it is asking far to many times about the certificate.

That might be a good reason to not require a user cert for ZM
but maybe it might work if my "Continue" is cached

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:00 pm
by jdhar
lenja wrote: But I have never had any issues with any of the certificates before
Secure e-mail, signing doc and authetication to different parts of my Apache server
That doesn't necessarily mean that it's setup properly for ZM. If your ZM is configured differently (using a different sub-host for example), your certificate won't work.
in the PC IE8, it never asks for the usert cert, but Firefox asks every time, although I have ticked "Remeber my selection"

Don't know how Safari normally handles this
Unfortunately, a PC is not a good debugging tool for this particular issue, because FF/IE allows you to accept certificates permanently, which Safari doesn't.
But if I use the iPhone Safari to login to my https://x.y.z/zm site
It first asks: "This site requires a certificate. Do you want to continue"
After pressing Continue, I get a list of 2 certificates to choose from

Tested a bit more now that I'm back home. When using Safari I can login to ZM, but it is asking far to many times about the certificate.
This is the key right here. Until you can login using iPhone safari to your HTTPS site without any questions being asked, your iPhone is not configured properly. Either 1) the certificate is not pushed to the iphone, 2) The https://x.y.z/zm site doesn't match the certificate stored on the iphone + apache, or 3) Apache is configured incorrectly for ZM.
That might be a good reason to not require a user cert for ZM
but maybe it might work if my "Continue" is cached
This is nothing we have control over. We can easily ignore the certificate request in eyeZm, but event viewing will not work because iPhone OS requires you to have a properly secured connection.

IMO, this is not a bad thing since it serves as a check that you have everything configured correctly. I suggest focusing on getting Safari to access https://x.y.z without any prompts for certificates before even trying eyeZm. Then, once Safari can login without prompting for a certificate, eyeZm will work. I also suggest you check out the iPhone configuration utility if you have not done so already.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:48 pm
by lenja
Thanx for good feedback

I will remove the user cert requirement while testing
But to start, when used at home I can use both port 80 + 443