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Re: Javascript issues after update to 1.36.16 possibly?

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:34 am
by dhmsjs
Well this is odd.

I was seeing the same behavior as shown in the OP. As a temp fix I downgraded to 1.36.15. All good.

Now 1.36.19 is available and I saw here that the javascript issue was fixed. So I upgraded on my test system -- it works great!

So next I propagate the upgrade to another system that is virtually identical -- RPi4 8GB running the headless Ubuntu 20.04 OS.

And on *that* system...the javascript issue shown at the top of this thread persists!

Clearly there is a significant difference between these two systems, but I haven't any idea what it could be. They were built to be virtually identical.

I've downgraded that system back to 1.36.15 for the time being, since it is an actual deployment (not a test system).

Any clues anyone?

Re: Javascript issues after update to 1.36.16 possibly?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:09 am
by misterpat
I just want to follow up here.

On my system, I completely removed all traces of Zoneminder. Database, custom configs, cache and logs.

apt remove --purge zoneminder

reinstalled and reconfigured it and all is well now.

Re: Javascript issues after update to 1.36.16 possibly?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:45 pm
by dhmsjs
A follow up from me as well:

I recently had a crash on the deployed system (sdcard failure). During recovery the default version installed was of course the latest -- 1.36.19. That clean install did not have the Javascript issues described in the OP. BUT, after restoring the ZM database the problem resurfaced and again I had to downgrade back to 1.36.15 to fix it. So it appears to be due to something funny in the old (pre-1.36.19) database.

When I get a chance I will upgrade the system back to 1.36.19 to look for specific Javascript error messages. But since it is a deployed system it may be some time before I get that chance. in the interim 1.36.15 is working well enough for me.

Re: Javascript issues after update to 1.36.16 possibly?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:04 pm
by dhmsjs
This post is just to confirm that my Javacript problem was in fact due to bug #3508.

I have an apostrophe in my Web Title field which caused 1.36.16 through 1.36.19 to have the Javascript errors described in this thread's original post. My clean install after sdcard failure worked because at that point the Web Title field was empty. But after I restored the database, the apostrophe was restored and that broke Javascript again.

I just upgraded that system to 1.36.20 and it no longer has the Javascript problem.

Re: Javascript issues after update to 1.36.16 possibly?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:01 am
by misterpat
Thank you everyone! Everything is running smoothly now.