OMG - mmfpeg broke; OMG vlclib broke; Clobbered Libraries?

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OMG - mmfpeg broke; OMG vlclib broke; Clobbered Libraries?

Post by AnotherBrian »

figures never had so much luck using ffmpeg or vlclib well sort of.

Now working after loading vlc (the program) via synaptic (does it matter if its via synaptic?). Are libraries getting overwritten?

Pre 1.29 zoneminder / pre 16.04 ubuntu, my hikvision 2032 cams would loose the bottom half of the image when using ffmpeg. At suggestion of another was recommended to use vlclib. That required configuring the linux software manager to include some gracious individuals private loads. Worked fine until one day did a routine update and then........well that is another story. Fast forward to today.

Starting with virgin 16.04 ubuntu desktop, loaded zoneminder via synaptic.
(Note the easy way help ubuntu/zoneminder guide says must have LAMP installed. Is LAMP part of desktop and if not then I would say easy guide for the novice aint for the novice). So like I said, did what I did and apache and whatever gets loaded only because of synaptic loading zoneminder.

At this point, these were the symptoms:
  • Under libvlc get no output
    Under ffmpeg I get output but........... starting in an area of the video where there is action, a distortion begins and spreads out. Then something resets, the image is good, then distorts again. The cycle repeats randomly but continuously say from 5 to 20 second intervals.
Ok, I'm thinking lets prove that the camera works via the vlc video viewing program. So I load vlc via synaptic. And I go back and test zoneminder:
  • Under libvlc it works fine.
    Under ffmpeg I get the old drop bottom half image problem.
So that's it: Load vlc video viewer program and magically ffmpeg behaves differently and vlclib works just fine! My theory here is the libraries on virgin 16.04 desktop get overwritten by vlc (the viewing program) libraries. Hope this helps someone!