Using ZoneMinder on a linux box without GUI

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Using ZoneMinder on a linux box without GUI

Post by zrusr »

Can zone minder be used on a linux box without GUI? The screen shots of how to configure it look like all the configuration must be done graphically. Is there a way to use text configuration files to do all of this?


Edit: I originally said on a headless linux box. What I really meant was one without a GUI.
Last edited by zrusr on Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Using ZoneMinder on a headless linux box

Post by bb99 »

Mine are all headless. I configure them remotely using a browser.
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Re: Using ZoneMinder on a headless linux box

Post by zrusr »

What are you running yours on? Which version of Linux?

I'm going to edit my first post. I didn't actually mean "headless". Wrong term. I meant a version of Linux that doesn't have a graphical user interface.

I'm running Arch Linux on a Pogoplug. Would like to use it for that, but there's very scant info on how to install it, and what's out there is really dated.
Jeff Dean
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Re: Using ZoneMinder on a linux box without GUI

Post by Jeff Dean »

Hi zrusr...

I don't know much about Arch Linux and Pogoplug but my setup is Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS on a new, low-buget system I threw together for testing, (Elite Group ECS VX900-I motherboard, 1.6GHz, single core; 2Gb DDR 1066 RAM; OCZ Vertex 3 VTZ3 60Gb SSD). I paid 120 bucks for it and it's currently dealing well with five ip cameras and four webcams off a single, old, Pentium 4 XP PC -- the Ubuntu server with Zoneminder on it, the 5 IP cameras, and the XP machine networked on the same 100Mb switch. (Sorry, I don't know where the upper limits are for this set-up so I can't recommend it, though what I've described runs with a load of about .26 to .56, (or an upper limit of 56% of a single core processor).

Anyway, like bb99, I configure Zoneminder using a browser on another machine connected to the same network, so the server just sits there with a monitor with a blinking cursor waiting for a logon. (It'll eventually be headless.)

If you decide to go with Ubuntu, check out the distribution specific guides on the wiki. I have never had an installation of anything go so smoothly and I'm a Linux newbee! (Terminal? What?)

I can't post links yet but this is the path I took for installation guidance: Zoneminder Home > Wiki > Documentation> Contents#Distribution-specific_guides > (Contents) Distribution-specific guides > Debian / Ubuntu (click on Ubuntu) >
Ubuntu Server 12.04 64-bit with Zoneminder 1.25.0 the easy way,

Hope this helps.

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Re: Using ZoneMinder on a linux box without GUI

Post by pete_c »

Yup here also run it on Ubuntu with no graphical interface. I am pushing it a bit these days migrating over from analog (8 port card) to HD IP (running some 16 cams now). That said it a core duo server and 4Gb of memory.

Interesting mention relating to Arch Linux on the Pogoplug. I think I have seen a post of running ZM on a pogoplug here some where.

That said today I am running my sprinkler software on a seagate dockstar (similiar to the pogo plug) running ArchLinux and talking serially to two rain8net serial sprinkler controllers. Its been a couple of years and it just runs and runs with no issues.

It does have a touchscreen and web gui management interface that I utilize all of the time (like ZM's web interface).

Thinking of integrating ZM views into the Sprinkler touchscreen interface.
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Re: Using ZoneMinder on a linux box without GUI

Post by whatboy »

I used to ran it on a Dreamplug... 4 analog cameras connected to an IP9000 video server... cheap bastard am I??? had them running at 320*280@3~4FPS... but had a weatherstation (WView + OS WMR968) + email + DHCP + NAMED + SAMBA + WORDPRESS + GALLERY + ALOT OF SH*T... but the weather station broke (anemometer Prrrttt) so I change server... bought a google server for <$80 bucks... just stuck some Sata HDD, found some IP cameras... and I am still crancking this baster up...
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