ZM 1.24.4 and eyezm Timeout

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.24.x releases only.
Posts: 132
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:18 pm

ZM 1.24.4 and eyezm Timeout

Post by sipi »


I installed 1.24.4 and httpsegmenter that I can try it with my iPhone. Install finished well and work with iPhone but I have an problem. I can view MJPEG live feed and recorded events and h264 recorded events. I can't view h264 live feed because have an message "Server timed out" and there is an NetworkConn Error. Here is log.

2011-07-17 19:20:05.685 eyeZm[302:707] Parsed Server IBM Successfully, 1 monitors, v1.24.4 p2fs3, 3 KB
2011-07-17 19:20:44.320 eyeZm[302:707] Starting 640x480 feed for Monitor ID 1
2011-07-17 19:20:44.323 eyeZm[302:707] Validated monitor 1 to use Codec h264 for streaming
2011-07-17 19:21:04.338 eyeZm[302:707] NetworkConn Error in response (70EB3A0): domain=NSURLErrorDomain, code=-1001
2011-07-17 19:21:04.341 eyeZm[302:707] Description=The request timed out., Reason=(null)

What is the problem?
Posts: 132
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:18 pm

Re: ZM 1.24.4 and eyezm Timeout

Post by sipi »

I reinstalled ffmpeg and libraries and I haven't any error in log files but iPhone can't load stream.

zmstreamer creates continously samplexx.ts files and an stream file (m3u)
in tmp directory but size of this file is 0.

What is problem? Have you any advice or can you help me?