Playback mode within a Hikvision Cam - Firefox v Edge

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Playback mode within a Hikvision Cam - Firefox v Edge

Post by AnotherBrian »

As backup for zoneminder, i'm using a micro SD in my hikvision cam.
Microsoft Edge allows me to access Playback from within he camera.
Firefox does not (although liveview works). .

This may be an activeX issue........

Is there a work around? Edge (of course) runs on win. I'm using linux, so no edge. But firefox on win doesn't allow access to playback too. Notice someone said there is a very old addon called ff-activeX-host on github but it is really really old.

This is a new camera running 5.7 firmware on the hikvision cam.
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Re: Playback mode within a Hikvision Cam - Firefox v Edge

Post by dougmccrary »

FireFox has a bunch of built-in checks against malicious sites. Do you get any error, or just quiet no work?
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