Official Docker images

Support for the docker image maintained by dlandon
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Re: Official Docker images

Post by forgeahead »

Heyhey Jakob,

You're right; finding the "official" Docker images for ZoneMinder can be a bit confusing. Here's a breakdown to help clarify the situation:


This image is from the official ZoneMinder GitHub repository. It's generally kept up-to-date with the latest stable releases of ZoneMinder, but the base Ubuntu version might not be the latest. Check the repository for the most current tags.

This image is popular and widely used within the community, maintained by a community member. While it has been reliable, there have been some indications that it might not be as actively maintained as before. Deprecation notices suggest that future updates might be limited.

This image includes machine learning capabilities. Like the other dlandon image, it may not be frequently updated, and the deprecation warnings apply here as well.
Official Image: Stick with zoneminderhq/zoneminder for the most up-to-date and supported version. You can check for the latest tags and updates directly on the ZoneMinder GitHub Docker page.

Community Support: The dlandon images are still functional and may offer additional features (like machine learning) but be aware of the potential lack of future updates. If you choose to use these, keep an eye on any community announcements regarding their maintenance status.

Next Steps:
Check the ZoneMinder Docker GitHub page for the latest images and tags.
If you need machine learning capabilities, you might need to either stick with dlandon/zoneminder.machine.learning or look into integrating those features into the official image yourself.
Hope this helps!
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Re: Official Docker images

Post by jantman »

If you do need machine learning, my image has that as a separate container using mlapi. I can't say my images are always up-to-date... I'm using the official Debian base image and then installing the ZM package from Debian, so it lags a bit behind the upstream ZM releases... but it's a breeze to install reliably because of the packaging work done, and it's stable. It's currently on 1.36.33.

I can't say that I'm interested in "supporting" these images in terms of answering a bunch of "how do I install a docker?" questions, but I can say that I'm running these images at home with 20 IP cameras and mlapi and monitoring the heck out of them (including dropped frames, offline monitor blips/monitor uptime, monitor last write time, monitor FPS, web UI response time, etc.) and running ZM this way seems pretty rock-solid.

I'm not sure that I'd recommend my images for folks who are new to Docker and just looking for an easy way to run ZM. But if you're looking for something that's more in line with how is used at scale - i.e. a separate database container, etc. - then I think mine are probably as close as you can get without really stretching ZM's architecture (i.e. there's really no way to get a single process ZM container, ZM just isn't designed that way, at least not without doing crazy cross-container shared memory things).
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Re: Official Docker images

Post by zm-noob »

What am I missing here on the container images? There seem to be discussion this year on using them, yet the dates for them oh docker hub are literally 3 years old.... are these still solid to run?
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Re: Official Docker images

Post by iconnor »

We don't know who zoneminderhq is.
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Re: Official Docker images

Post by gadgetboy »

Any response to zm-noob's question? The docker images don't seem to be up-to-date. I would prefer docker to a bare metal install. Thanks.
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