motion trigger depending on direction of movement

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motion trigger depending on direction of movement

Post by cmos »

Is there any way to have a trigger that depends on the direction of movement? I have an underwater camera in a stream that has salmon run. Leaves and detritus in the stream cause was too many false alarms. If an event was only triggered by something going upstream it would only spot fish, and much fewer false alarms. Thanks.
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Re: motion trigger depending on direction of movement

Post by iconnor »


Of course you could use AI to detect fish.
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Re: motion trigger depending on direction of movement

Post by rockedge »

cmos wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:43 am Is there any way to have a trigger that depends on the direction of movement? I have an underwater camera in a stream that has salmon run.
Using something similar but on a fish ladder for trout I managed to do it but using Darknet streamed through ZM and then switched later to object detection routines using open opencv and python to plot points on detected fish using object detection for fish shapes (trout) using a custom training weights for trout images. The plotted points using tensor flow it can be determined which direction the points are moving. Then send a start event recording trigger via

This worked fairly OK. Had room for improvement but the basic idea worked.

Opencv has example code that shows the basics.

Later helped a member on this forum that wanted to detect if a train was inbound or outbound on tracks by his house. Determined timing of being able to get to the road of the track crossing. Long freight trains. Tried with setting up multiple zones and different zone types but with limited success. The object detection plotted points with tensor flow written in python that determined the inbound outbound status and sent an alarm notification .

I'll try to see if I can dig up what the programs looked like. Zoneminder was configured to start the python program.
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