Here's zmeventserver config output:INF:2024-11-12,09:59:18 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 use hooks/start hook not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass
11/12/2024 09:59:18.073460 zmeventnotification[152210].INF [main:1048] [|----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 use hooks/start hook not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass]
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:67213, monitor:1, at: Tue Nov 12 09:59:20 2024 with cause:Forced Web
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 Matching alarm to connection rules...
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 Checking alarm conditions for token ending in:...vP7OLj47ar
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 Monitor 1 event: last time not found, so should send
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 token is unique, shouldSendEventToConn returned true, so calling sendEvent
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 isAllowedChannel: got type:event_start resCode:0
INF:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 Sending event_start notification over FCM
11/12/2024 09:59:20.075006 zmeventnotification[152210].INF [main:1048] [|----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 Sending event_start notification over FCM]
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 fcmv1: FCM called when there is no start hook/or hooks are disabled, so making sure we do not use objdetect in url
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 setting channel to zmninja
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 fcmv1: Final JSON using FCMV1 being sent is: {"body":"Forced Web at 09:59 AM, 12-Nov","data":{"notification_foreground":"true","mid":"1","eid":"67213"},"android":{"priority":"high","channel":"zmninja","icon":"ic_stat_notification"},"image_url":"https://<my server URL/path>/index.php?view=image&eid=67213&fid=snapshot&width=600&username=backend&password=xxx} to token: ...Lj47ar
DBG-1:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 fcmv1: FCM push message error {"Error":"token:vP7OLj47ar=>SenderId mismatch"}
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:20 |----> FORK:Driveway (1), eid:67213 child finished writing to parent
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:2, active hooks: 0 running for:10 min)<--------------
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 1, ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 1, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: RAW TEXT-->fcm_notification--TYPE--fHC7lsE-QkujPsIGE5U_ak:APA91bGSsaTWTOEuE6BbGLOzWsKfXJp4TK9cZiEKYny6WkZyW6MJ4YU12p5v6o1HwYNUAJ5Ss890eTSMyMdkD-lgygWf_moEASrwZl6e5S4ntxMYG-VyD-M9bYSPONji7MvP7OLj47ar--SPLIT--2--SPLIT--82--SPLIT--10
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: GOT JOB==> update badge to 2, count to 82 for: fHC7lsE-QkujPsIGE5U_ak:APA91bGSsaTWTOEuE6BbGLOzWsKfXJp4TK9cZiEKYny6WkZyW6MJ4YU12p5v6o1HwYNUAJ5Ss890eTSMyMdkD-lgygWf_moEASrwZl6e5S4ntxMYG-VyD-M9bYSPONji7MvP7OLj47ar, at: 10
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: RAW TEXT-->timestamp--TYPE--1731433778.05514--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1731434360.07484
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: Job: Update last sent timestamp of monitor:1 to 1731434360.07484 for id:1731433778.05514
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: There are 1 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: We've already worked on Monitor:1, Event:67213, not doing anything more
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process
DBG-2:2024-11-12,09:59:23 PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:2, active hooks: 0)<--------------
I've cleared the API cache on my android phone to no effect.11/13/2024 10:29:46.234292 zmeventnotification[172402].INF [main:339] [Running on WebSocket library version:0.004]
11/13/2024 10:29:46.264358 zmeventnotification[172402].INF [main:1049] [PARENT: using config file: /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini]
11/13/2024 10:29:46.268507 zmeventnotification[172402].INF [main:1049] [PARENT: using secrets file: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
Configuration (read /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini):
Secrets file.......................... /etc/zm/secrets.ini
Base data path........................ /var/lib/zmeventnotification
Restart interval (secs)............... 0
Use admin interface .................. no
Admin interface password.............. (undefined)
Admin interface persistence file ..... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/misc/escontrol_interface.dat
Port ................................. 9000
Address .............................. [::]
Event check interval ................. 5
Monitor reload interval .............. 300
Skipped monitors...................... (undefined)
Auth enabled ......................... yes
Auth timeout ......................... 20
Use API Push.......................... no
API Push Script....................... (undefined)
Use FCM .............................. yes
Use FCM V1 APIs....................... yes
FCM Date Format....................... %I:%M %p, %d-%b
Only show latest FCMv1 message........ no
Android FCM push priority............. high
Android FCM push ttl.................. (undefined)
Log FCM message ID.................... NONE
FCM V1 URL............................ ... /send_push
FCM V1 Key.............................custom
Token file ........................... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/push/tokens.txt
Use MQTT ............................. no
MQTT Server ..........................
MQTT Topic ........................... zoneminder
MQTT Username ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Password ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Retain .......................... no
MQTT Tick Interval ................... 15
MQTT TLS CA ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Cert ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Key ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Insecure ........................ no
SSL enabled .......................... yes
SSL cert file ........................ /etc/letsencrypt/live/<my server>/fullchain.pem
SSL key file ......................... /etc/letsencrypt/live/<my server>/privkey.pem
Verbose .............................. no
ES Debug level.........................4
Read alarm cause ..................... yes
Tag alarm event id ................... yes
Use custom notification sound ........ no
Send event start notification..........yes
Send event end
Monitor rules JSON file................(undefined)
Use Hooks............................. no
Max Parallel Hooks.................... 0
Hook Script on Event Start ........... '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/'
User Script on Event Start.............(undefined)
Hook Script on Event End.............. (undefined)
User Script on Event End...............(undefined)
Hook Skipped monitors................. (undefined)
Notify on Event Start (hook success).. all
Notify on Event Start (hook fail)..... none
Notify on Event End (hook success).... fcm,web,api
Notify on Event End (hook fail)....... none
Notify End only if Start success...... yes
Use Hook Description.................. yes
Keep frame match type................. yes
Store Frame in ZM......................yes
Picture URL .......................... https://<my server and path>/index.php?view=image&eid=EVENTID&fid=snapshot&width=600
Include picture....................... yes
Picture username ..................... backend
Picture password ..................... (defined)
Also adding this error from ZM logs (via web console):
web_php 153127 ERR Unable to authenticate user from auth hash '0983aee6c9258fd91ce35eda681f2be2' /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/auth.php 217