camera setup - esp3-cam

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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camera setup - esp3-cam

Post by mfeicht2 »

I have ZM 1.36 installed yesterday and I would like to inegrate a esp32-CAM.

The cam is working fione. I am getting a video stream via web browser.

(I was able to setup a different cxal via rstp stream :D )

However, I failed for the esp32-cam. :(

Is this cam supported?
Is there a documentation/tutorial?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: camera setup - esp3-cam

Post by dougmccrary »

Try it with VLC. If that works, ZM will. Only diff is TCP (usually) or UDP, some cameras.
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Re: camera setup - esp3-cam

Post by iconnor »

I seem to recall there was some issue with the jpeg stream that zm didn't like.

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