Person & Object Detection

Discussion topics related to mobile applications and ZoneMinder Event Server (including machine learning)
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:40 pm

Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

Hello, I'm fighting with getting person/object detection working in zm. I want to do it stepwise in order to limit compexity. But everything I've tried so far failed. I've installed everything according to the official manual, i.e. Event Server and OpenCV with ML hooks. Using jtop it says "OpenCV: 4.5.5 with CUDA: YES". So obviously opencv seems to be OK. I tested person detection with a different python script from outside the "zoneminder environment" and that works fine. But I'm not able to get person/object detection running in zoneminder (1.37.42). The very last thing I tried was to check whether the script works, but it also failed. I'm totally desperate now and have no idea anymore what I still could do to get person/object detection running in zm. Insofar any help or guidance would be highly appreciated.

Code: Select all

jens@jetson-zm:~$ sudo -u www-data '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' -e 115 -m 2 --config /etc/zm/zm.conf
Unrecoverable error:File contains no section headers.
file: '/etc/zm/zm.conf', line: 15
'ZM_PATH_DATA=/usr/share/zoneminder\n' Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 556, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 258, in main_handler
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/zmes_hook_helpers/", line 341, in get_pyzm_config'config'))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 697, in read
    self._read(fp, filename)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 1080, in _read
    raise MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
file: '/etc/zm/zm.conf', line: 15
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Location: Toronto

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by iconnor »

The config param is suspicious. I think it should be reading objdetect.ini
Posts: 1381
Joined: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:56 am

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by Magic919 »

It says zm.conf, incorrect file.
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:40 pm

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

Hm, just tried it again, using objectconfig.ini, but also not successful. See output below and also my objectconfig.ini + zmeventnotification.ini. Any guidance and help is warmly welcome. Thanks a lot.

Code: Select all

jens@jetson-zm:~$ sudo -u www-data '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' -e 115 -m 2 --config /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini
Unrecoverable error:future feature annotations is not defined (, line 33) Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 556, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 267, in main_handler
    log.init(name='zmesdetect_' + 'm' + args.get('monitorid'), override=g.config['pyzm_overrides'])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 227, in init
    engine = create_engine(cstr, pool_recycle=3600)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 525, in create_engine
    return strategy.create(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 87, in create
    dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/", line 135, in dbapi
    from mysql import connector
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 32, in <module>
    from .connection_cext import CMySQLConnection
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 40, in <module>
    from .abstracts import MySQLConnectionAbstract
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 33
    from __future__ import annotations
SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined

Code: Select all

# Configuration file for object detection

# NOTE: ALL parameters here can be overriden
# on a per monitor basis if you want. Just
# duplicate it inside the correct [monitor-<num>] section

# REMEMBER: Most of these are just variables. The place where all 
# of this comes together is the ml_sequence and stream_sequence
# structures.


# Please don't change this. It is used by the config upgrade script

# You can now limit the # of detection process
# per target processor. If not specified, default is 1
# Other detection processes will wait to acquire lock


# Time to wait in seconds per processor to be free, before
# erroring out. Default is 120 (2 mins)


# This is an optional file
# If specified, you can specify tokens with secret values in that file
# and onlt refer to the tokens in your main config file
secrets = /etc/zm/secrets.ini

# portal/user/password are needed if you plan on using ZM's legacy
# auth mechanism to get images

# api portal is needed if you plan to use tokens to get images
# requires ZM 1.33 or above

# if yes, last detection will be stored for monitors
# and bounding boxes that match, along with labels
# will be discarded for new detections. This may be helpful
# in getting rid of static objects that get detected
# due to some motion. 
# The max difference in area between the objects if match_past_detection is on
# can also be specified in px like 300px. Default is 5%. Basically, bounding boxes of the same
# object can slightly differ ever so slightly between detection. Contributor @neillbell put in this PR
# to calculate the difference in areas and based on his tests, 5% worked well. YMMV. Change it if needed.
# Note: You can specify label/object specific max_diff_areas as well. If present, they override this value
# example: 
# person_past_det_max_diff_area=5%
# car_past_det_max_diff_area=5000px

# this is the maximum size a detected object can have. You can specify it in px or % just like past_det_max_diff_area 
# This is pretty useful to eliminate bogus detection. In my case, depending on shadows and other lighting conditions, 
# I sometimes see "car" or "person" detected that covers most of my driveway view. That is practically impossible 
# and therefore I set mine to 70% because I know any valid detected objected cannot be larger than that area


# sequence of models to run for detection
# if all, then we will loop through all models
# if first then the first success will break out

# If you need basic auth to access ZM 

# base data path for various files the ES+OD needs
# we support in config variable substitution as well

# global settings for 
# bestmatch, alarm, snapshot OR a specific frame ID

# this is the to resize the image before analysis is done
# set to yes, if you want to remove images after analysis
# setting to yes is recommended to avoid filling up space
# keep to no while debugging/inspecting masks
# Note this does NOT delete debug images later

# If yes, will write an image called <filename>-bbox.jpg as well
# which contains the bounding boxes. This has NO relation to 
# write_image_to_zm 
# Typically, if you enable delete_after_analyze you may
# also want to set  write_debug_image to no. 

# if yes, will write an image with bounding boxes
# this needs to be yes to be able to write a bounding box
# image to ZoneMinder that is visible from its console

# Adds percentage to detections
# hog/face shows 100% always

# color to be used to draw the polygons you specified

# This section gives you an option to get brief animations 
# of the event, delivered as part of the push notification to mobile devices
# Animations are created only if an object is detected
# NOTE: This will DELAY the time taken to send you push notifications
# It will try to first creat the animation, which may take upto a minute
# depending on how soon it gets access to frames. See notes below


# If yes, object detection will attempt to create 
# a short GIF file around the object detection frame
# that can be sent via push notifications for instant playback
# Note this required additional software support. Default:no

# Format of animation burst
# valid options are "mp4", "gif", "mp4,gif"
# Note that gifs will be of a shorter duration
# as they take up much more disk space than mp4

# default width of animation image. Be cautious when you increase this
# most mobile platforms give a very brief amount of time (in seconds) 
# to download the image.
# Given your ZM instance will be serving the image, it will anyway be slow
# Making the total animation size bigger resulted in the notification not 
# getting an image at all (timed out)

# When an event is detected, ZM it writes frames a little late
# On top of that, it looks like with caching enabled, the API layer doesn't
# get access to DB records for much longer (around 30 seconds), at least on my 
# system. animation_retry_sleep refers to how long to wait before trying to grab
# frame information if it failed. animation_max_tries defines how many times it 
# will try and retrieve frames before it gives up

# if animation_types is gif then when can generate a fast preview gif
# every second frame is skipped and the frame rate doubled
# to give quick preview, Default (no)

# You can now run the machine learning code on a different server
# This frees up your ZM server for other things
# To do this, you need to setup
# on your desired server and confiure it with a user. See its instructions
# once set up, you can choose to do object/face recognition via that 
# external serer

# URL that will be used
# API/password for remote gateway

# config for object

# Updated note: Don't use use_sequence=no. No longer supported reliably
# If you are using legacy format (use_sequence=no) then these parameters will 
# be used during ML inferencing

# If you are using the new ml_sequence format (use_sequence=yes) then 
# you can fiddle with these parameters and look at ml_sequence later
# Note that these can be named anything. You can add custom variables, ad-infinitum

# Google Coral
# The mobiledet model came out in Nov 2020 and is supposed to be faster and more accurate but YMMV

# Yolo v4 on GPU (falls back to CPU if no GPU)

# Yolo v3 on GPU (falls back to CPU if no GPU)

# Tiny Yolo V4 on GPU (falls back to CPU if no GPU)


# read
# read
# and play around

# quick overview: 
# num_jitters is how many times to distort images 
# upsample_times is how many times to upsample input images (for small faces, for example)
# model can be hog or cnn. cnn may be more accurate, but I haven't found it to be 


# This is maximum distance of the face under test to the closest matched
# face cluster. The larger this distance, larger the chances of misclassification.
# When we are first training the face recognition model with known faces,
# by default we use hog because we assume you will supply well lit, front facing faces
# However, if you are planning to train with profile photos or hard to see faces, you
# may want to change this to cnn. Note that this increases training time, but training only
# happens once, unless you retrain again by removing the training model
#if a face doesn't match known names, we will detect it as 'unknown face'
# you can change that to something that suits your personality better ;-)

# Many of the ALPR providers offer both a cloud version
# and local SDK version. Sometimes local SDK format differs from
# the cloud instance. Set this to local or cloud. Default cloud

# -----| If you are using plate recognizer | ------

# If you want to host a local SDK
# Plate recog replace with your api key
# if yes, then it will log usage statistics of the ALPR service
# If you want to specify regions. See
# minimal confidence for actually detecting a plate
# minimal confidence for the translated text

# ----| If you are using openALPR |-----

# For an explanation of params, see
# openalpr returns percents, but we convert to between 0 and 1

# ----| If you are using openALPR command line |-----


# Do an alpr -help to see options, plug them in here
# like say '-j -p ca -c US' etc.
# keep the -j because its JSON

# Note that alpr_pattern is honored
# For the rest, just stuff them in the cmd line options

openalpr_cmdline_params=-j -d

## Monitor specific settings

# Examples:
# Let's assume your monitor ID is 999
# my driveway

# Advanced example - here we want anything except potted plant
# exclusion in regular expressions is not
# as straightforward as you may think, so 
# follow this pattern
# object_detection_pattern = ^(?!object1|object2|objectN)
# the characters in front implement what is 
# called a negative look ahead

# object_detection_pattern=^(?!potted plant|pottedplant|bench|broccoli)

# polygon areas where object detection will be done.
# You can name them anything except the keywords defined in the optional
# params below. You can put as many polygons as you want per [monitor-<mid>]
# (see examples).

my_driveway=306,356 1003,341 1074,683 154,715

# You are now allowed to specify detection pattern per zone
# the format is <polygonname>_zone_detection_pattern=<regexp>
# So if your polygon is called my_driveway, its associated
# detection pattern will be my_driveway_zone_detection_pattern
# If none is specified, the value in object_detection_pattern 
# will be used
# This also applies to ZM zones. Let's assume you have 
# import_zm_zones=yes and let's suppose you have a zone in ZM
# called Front_Door. In that case, all you need to do is put in a 
# front_door_zone_detection_pattern=(person|car) here
# NOTE: ZM Zones are converted to lowercase, and spaces are replaced
# with underscores@3

some_other_area=0,0 200,300 700,900
# use license plate recognition for my driveway
# see alpr section later for more data needed

# When enabled, you can specify complex ML inferencing logic in ml_sequence
# Anything specified in ml_sequence will override any other ml attributes

# Also, when enabled, stream_sequence will override any other frame related
# attributes 
# Updated note: Don't set use_sequence=no. No longer supported reliably
use_sequence = yes

# if enabled, will not grab exclusive locks before running inferencing
# locking seems to cause issues on some unique file systems
disable_locks= no

# Chain of frames 
# See
# Also see
# Very important: Make sure final ending brace is indented 
stream_sequence = {
		'frame_strategy': 'most_models',
		'frame_set': 'snapshot,alarm',
		'contig_frames_before_error': 5,
		'max_attempts': 3,
		'sleep_between_attempts': 4,


# Chain of ML models to use
# See
# Also see
# Very important: Make sure final ending brace is indented 
ml_sequence= {
		'general': {
			'model_sequence': '{{my_model_sequence}}',
			'disable_locks': '{{disable_locks}}',
			'match_past_detections': '{{match_past_detections}}',
			'past_det_max_diff_area': '5%',
			'car_past_det_max_diff_area': '10%',
			#'ignore_past_detection_labels': ['dog', 'cat'],
			# when matching past detections, names in a group are treated the same
			'aliases': [['car','bus','truck','boat'], ['broccoli', 'pottedplant']]

		'object': {
				'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'first' # also 'most', 'most_unique's
			'sequence': [{
				#First run on TPU with higher confidence
				'name': 'TPU object detection',
				'enabled': 'no',
				'object_labels': '{{tpu_object_labels}}',
				'object_min_confidence': {{tpu_min_confidence}},
				'tpu_max_processes': {{tpu_max_processes}},
				'tpu_max_lock_wait': {{tpu_max_lock_wait}},

				# YoloV4 on GPU if TPU fails (because sequence strategy is 'first')
				'name': 'YoloV4 GPU/CPU',
				'enabled': 'yes', # don't really need to say this explictly
				'object_labels': '{{yolo4_object_labels}}',
				'object_min_confidence': {{object_min_confidence}},
				'object_processor': '{{yolo4_object_processor}}',
				'gpu_max_processes': {{gpu_max_processes}},
				'gpu_max_lock_wait': {{gpu_max_lock_wait}},
				'cpu_max_processes': {{cpu_max_processes}},
				'cpu_max_lock_wait': {{cpu_max_lock_wait}},

		'face': {
				'pattern': '{{face_detection_pattern}}',		
				#'pre_existing_labels': ['person'], # when put in general section, it will check if a previous detection type (like object) found this label
				'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'union' # combines all outputs of this sequence
			'sequence': [
				'name': 'TPU face detection',
				'enabled': 'no',
				'face_detection_framework': 'tpu',
				'face_min_confidence': 0.3,
				'name': 'DLIB based face recognition',
				'enabled': 'yes',
				#'pre_existing_labels': ['face'], # If you use TPU detection first, we can run this ONLY if TPU detects a face first
				'face_detection_framework': '{{face_detection_framework}}',
				'known_images_path': '{{known_images_path}}',
				'unknown_images_path': '{{unknown_images_path}}',
				'face_model': '{{face_model}}',
				'face_train_model': '{{face_train_model}}',
				'face_recog_dist_threshold': '{{face_recog_dist_threshold}}',
				'face_num_jitters': '{{face_num_jitters}}',
				'gpu_max_processes': {{gpu_max_processes}},
				'gpu_max_lock_wait': {{gpu_max_lock_wait}},
				'cpu_max_processes': {{cpu_max_processes}},
				'cpu_max_lock_wait': {{cpu_max_lock_wait}},

		'alpr': {
				'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'first',
				'pre_existing_labels':['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'],
				'pattern': '{{alpr_detection_pattern}}'

			'sequence': [{
				'name': 'Platerecognizer cloud',
				'enabled': 'yes',
				'alpr_api_type': '{{alpr_api_type}}',
				'alpr_service': '{{alpr_service}}',
				'alpr_key': '{{alpr_key}}',
				'platrec_stats': '{{platerec_stats}}',
				'platerec_min_dscore': {{platerec_min_dscore}},
				'platerec_min_score': {{platerec_min_score}},
				#'platerec_payload': {
				#'platerec_config': {
				#    'region':'strict',
				#    'mode': 'fast'

Code: Select all

# Configuration file for 

secrets = /etc/zm/secrets.ini

# The ES now supports a means for a special kind of 
# websocket connection which can dynamically control ES
# behaviour 
# Default is no

# this is where all escontrol admin overrides
# will be stored.

# the password for accepting control interfaces

# If you see the ES getting 'stuck' after several hours
# see
# You can use restart_interval to have it automatically restart
# every  X seconds. (Default is 7200 = 2 hours) Set to 0 to disable this.
# restart_interval = 432000
restart_interval = 0

# list of monitors which ES will ignore
# Note that there is an attribute later that does
# not process hooks for specific monitors. This one is different
# It can be used to completely skip ES processing for the 
# monitors defined
# skip_monitors = 2,3,4

# Port for Websockets connection (default: 9000).
port = 9000

# Address for Websockets server (default: [::]).
# If you are facing connection issues or SSL issues, put in your IP here
# If you want to listen to multiple interfaces try

#address =

# Check username/password against ZoneMinder database (default: yes).
enable = yes

# Authentication timeout, in seconds (default: 20).
timeout = 20

# This is to enable sending push notifications via any 3rd party service. 
# Typically, if you enable this, you might want to turn off fcm
# Note that zmNinja will only receive notifications via FCM, but other 3rd
# party services have their own apps to get notifications
use_api_push = no

# This is the script that will send the notification
# Some sample scripts are provided, write your own
# Each script gets:
# arg1 - event ID
# arg2 - Monitor ID
# arg3 - Monitor Name
# arg4 - alarm cause
# arg5 - Type of event (event_start or event_end)
# arg6 (optional) - image path 


# Use FCM for messaging (default: yes).
enable = yes

# Use the new FCM V1 protocol (recommended)
use_fcmv1 = yes

# if yes, will replace notifications with the latest one
# default: no
replace_push_messages = no

# Custom FCM API key. Uncomment if you are using
# your own API key (most people will not need to uncomment)
# api_key =

# Auth token store location (default: /var/lib/zmeventnotification/push/tokens.txt).
token_file = {{base_data_path}}/push/tokens.txt

# Date format to use when sending notification
# over push (FCM)
# See
# For example, a 24 hr format would be
#date_format = %H:%M, %d-%b
date_format = %I:%M %p, %d-%b

# Set priority for android push. Default is high.
# You can set it to high or normal.
# There is weird foo going on here. If you set it to high,
# and don't interact with push, users report after a while they 
# get delayed by Google. I haven't quite figured out what is the precise 
# value to put here to make sure it always reaches you. Also make sure
# you read the zmES faq on delayed push
fcm_android_priority = high

# If you see messages not being delivered in doze mode for android
# Even AFTER you disable battery optimization for the app, try making this 0
# otherwise leave it unspecified. The value here is in seconds
# it specifies how long the message will be valid before it is discarded
# Some reports say if you set this to 0, android will try and deliver it immediately
# while others say it won't. YMMV.
# fcm_android_ttl = 0

# Make this yes if you are having push notification issues and want me to 
# take a look at what is going on on my server side. Default is no
# WARNING: If you enable this, I'll get to see your push notification details
# including your full token and possibly your ZM user and password that you provide
# as part of the picture URL. I try and automatically replace it, but no guarantees if 
# the regex fails in certain conditions. SO KEEP THIS OFF unless you've chatted with me
# and you know we have exchanged notes. You should turn this off once debugging is over

# If you want me to help you debug what is going wrong in FCM, it helps
# if you add a unique ID here so that I know what to look for
# it can be anything. Default is NONE

# When push messages are sent, your ES sends a message to my cloud function
# that sends the message to Google's FCM servers. Thisis the key that authorizes
# your ES to send messages to my cloud function. By default, it will contain a key
# that authorizes with my server. If you switch to your own server, change this value 
# You will also need to switch the server URL to your own server, use fcm_v1_url for that

#fcm_v1_key = myspecialkey
# fcm_v1_url = https://my_custom_url/function_name

# Use MQTT for messaging (default: no)
enable = no
# Allow you to set a custom MQTT topic name
# default: zoneminder
#topic = my topic name

# MQTT server (default:
server =

# Authenticate to MQTT server as user
# username = !MQTT_USERNAME

# Password 
# password = !MQTT_PASSWORD

# Set retain flag on MQTT messages (default: no)
retain = no

# MQTT over TLS
# Location to MQTT broker CA certificate. Uncomment this line will enable MQTT over TLS.
# tls_ca = /config/certs/ca.pem

# To enable 2-ways TLS, add client certificate and private key
# Location to client certificate and private key
# tls_cert = /config/es-pub.pem
# tls_key = /config/es-key.pem

# To allow insecure TLS (disable peer verifier), (default: no)
# tls_insecure = yes

# Enable SSL (default: yes)
enable = yes

cert = !ES_CERT_FILE
key = !ES_KEY_FILE

#cert = /etc/apache2/ssl/zoneminder.crt
#key = /etc/apache2/ssl/zoneminder.key

# Location to SSL cert (no default).
# cert = /etc/apache2/ssl/yourportal/zoneminder.crt

# Location to SSL key (no default).
# key = /etc/apache2/ssl/yourportal/zoneminder.key

# Link to json file that has rules which can be customized
# es_rules=/etc/zm/es_rules.json

# Display messages to console (default: no).
# Note that you can keep this to no and just
# use --debug when running from CLI too
console_logs = no
# debug level for ES messages. Default 4. Note that this is
# not controllable by ZM LOG_DEBUG_LEVEL as in Perl, ZM doesn't
# support debug levels
es_debug_level = 4

# Interval, in seconds, after which we will check for new events (default: 5).
event_check_interval = 5

# Interval, in seconds, to reload known monitors (default: 300).
monitor_reload_interval = 300

# Read monitor alarm cause (Requires ZoneMinder >= 1.31.2, default: no)
# Enabling this to 1 for lower versions of ZM will result in a crash
read_alarm_cause = yes

# Tag event IDs with the alarm (default: no).
tag_alarm_event_id = yes

# Use custom notification sound (default: no).
use_custom_notification_sound = no

# include picture in alarm (default: no).
include_picture = yes

# send event start notifications (default: yes)
# If no, starting notifications will not be sent out
send_event_start_notification = yes

# send event end notifications (default: no)
# Note that if you are using hooks for end notifications, they may change
# the final decision. This needs to be yes if you want end notifications with 
# or without hooks
send_event_end_notification = yes

# URL to access the event image
# This URL can be anything you want
# What I've put here is a way to extract an image with the highest score given an eventID (even one that is recording)
# This requires the latest version of index.php which was merged on Oct 9, 2018 and may only work in ZM 1.32+
# If you use this URL as I've specified below, keep the EVENTID phrase intact. 
# The notification server will replace it with the correct eid of the alarm

# BESTMATCH should be used only if you are using bestmatch for FID in
# objdetect is ONLY available in ZM 1.33+
# objdetect_mp4 and objdetect_gif is ONLY available
# in ZM 1.35+
picture_url = !ZMES_PICTURE_URL

# This is a master on/off setting for hooks. If it is set to no
# hooks will not be used no matter what is set in the [hook] section
# This makes it easy for folks not using hooks to just turn this off
# default:no

use_hooks = yes


# NOTE: This entire section is only valid if use_hooks is yes above

# When a hook is invoked, the ES forks a child. If you are in a situation
# where your motion sensititivy in ZM is not set properly, you may land up
# triggering hundreds of child processes of zm_detect that may potentially
# crash your system. Note that there are global locks around the ML code which
# are controlled by xxx_max_processes in the objectconfig/mlapiconfig.files
# which will avoid parallel running of models. But this is if you are facing issues
# by the simple fact that too many zm_detect processes are forked (which will apply
# whether you use mlapi or not). While I do feel the core issue is that you need 
# to fix your ZM sensitivity, this parameter helps control.

# NOTE: When you put in value for this, any hooks that attempt to kick off 
# beyond this limit will simply be ignored. There is no queueing.

# A value of 0 (default) means there are no limits

# Shell script name here to be called every time an alarm is detected
# the script will get passed $1=alarmEventID,  $2=alarmMonitorId
# $3 monitor Name, $4 alarm cause 
# script needs to return 0 to send alarm (default: none)

# This script is called when an event first starts. If the script returns "0"
# (success), then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_start_notify_on_hook_success. If the script returns "1" (fail)
# then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_start_notify_on_hook_fail
event_start_hook = '{{base_data_path}}/bin/'

#This script is called after event_start_hook completes. You can do 
# your housekeeping work here
#event_start_hook_notify_userscript = '{{base_data_path}}/contrib/'

# This script is called when an event ends. If the script returns "0"
# (success), then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_end_notify_on_hook_success. If the script returns "1" (fail)
# then a notification is sent to channels specified in 
# event_end_notify_on_hook_fail
# event_end_hook = '{{base_data_path}}/bin/'

#This script is called after event_end_hook completes. You can do 
# your housekeeping work here
#event_end_hook_notify_userscript = '{{base_data_path}}/contrib/'

# Possible channels = web,fcm,mqtt,api
# all is short for web,fcm,mqtt,api
# use none for no notifications, or comment out the attribute 

# When an event starts and hook returns 0, send notification to all. Default: none
event_start_notify_on_hook_success = all

# When an event starts and hook returns 1, send notification only to desktop. Default: none
event_start_notify_on_hook_fail = none

# When an event ends and hook returns 0, send notification to fcm,web,api. Default: none
event_end_notify_on_hook_success = fcm,web,api

# When an event ends and hook returns 1, don't send notifications. Default: none
event_end_notify_on_hook_fail = none
#event_end_notify_on_hook_fail = web

# Since event_end and event_start are two different hooks, it is entirely possible
# that you can get an end notification but not a start notification. This can happen
# if your start script returns 1 but the end script returns 0, for example. To avoid
# this, set this to yes (default:yes)
event_end_notify_if_start_success = yes

# If yes, the text returned by the script
# overwrites the alarm header 
# useful if your script is detecting people, for example
# and you want that to be shown in your notification (default:yes)
use_hook_description = yes

# If yes will will append an [a] for alarmed frame match
# [s] for snapshot match or [x] if not using bestmatch
# really only a debugging feature but useful to know
# where object detection is working or failing
keep_frame_match_type = yes

# list of monitors for which hooks will not run
# hook_skip_monitors = 2

# if enabled, will pass the right folder for the hook script
# to store the detected image, so it shows up in ZM console view too
# Requires ZM >=1.33. Don't enable this if you are running an older version

# Note: you also need to set write_image_to_zm=yes in objectconfig.ini
# default: no
hook_pass_image_path = yes
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by Magic919 »

Google the error.
Posts: 13
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

I for sure did (even quite extensively) but I didn‘t find a proper answer in conjunction with zoneminder. So some additional help would be very welcome.
Posts: 1381
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by Magic919 »

It’s nothing to do with Zoneminder in this context. It was developed separately and the ZM aspect has no bearing on these errors.
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

I further googled and tried out. Current situation is as follows. Does that look like I‘m on the right path or is there still something completely wrong or missing?

Code: Select all

root@jetson-zm:/home/jens# sudo /usr/bin/ --check-config
13.08.2023 16:53:46.045801 zmeventnotification[5933].INF [main:329] [Running on WebSocket library version:0.004]
13.08.2023 16:53:46.151477 zmeventnotification[5933].INF [main:1009] [PARENT: using config file: /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini]
13.08.2023 16:53:46.180775 zmeventnotification[5933].INF [main:1009] [PARENT: using secrets file: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
Use of uninitialized value $es_debug_level in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/bin/ line 998.
Use of uninitialized value $es_debug_level in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/bin/ line 998.
Use of uninitialized value $skip_monitors in split at /usr/bin/ line 542.
Use of uninitialized value $es_debug_level in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/bin/ line 998.
Use of uninitialized value $es_debug_level in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/bin/ line 998.
Use of uninitialized value $es_debug_level in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/bin/ line 998.
Use of uninitialized value $hook_skip_monitors in split at /usr/bin/ line 731.

Configuration (read /etc/zm/zmeventnotification.ini):

Secrets file.......................... /etc/zm/secrets.ini
Base data path........................ /var/lib/zmeventnotification
Restart interval (secs)............... 0

Use admin interface .................. no
Admin interface password.............. (undefined)
Admin interface persistence file ..... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/misc/escontrol_interface.dat

Port ................................. 9000
Address .............................. [::]
Event check interval ................. 5
Monitor reload interval .............. 300
Skipped monitors...................... (undefined)

Auth enabled ......................... yes
Auth timeout ......................... 20

Use API Push.......................... no
API Push Script....................... (undefined)

Use FCM .............................. yes
Use FCM V1 APIs....................... yes
FCM Date Format....................... %I:%M %p, %d-%b
Only show latest FCMv1 message........ no
Android FCM push priority............. high
Android FCM push ttl.................. (undefined)
Log FCM message ID.................... NONE
Log RAW FCM Messages.................. no
FCM V1 URL............................
FCM V1 Key............................ default

Token file ........................... /var/lib/zmeventnotification/push/tokens.txt

Use MQTT ............................. no

MQTT Server ..........................
MQTT Topic ........................... zoneminder
MQTT Username ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Password ........................ (undefined)
MQTT Retain .......................... no
MQTT Tick Interval ................... 15
MQTT TLS CA .......................... (undefined)
MQTT TLS Cert ........................ (undefined)
MQTT TLS Key ......................... (undefined)
MQTT TLS Insecure .................... no

SSL enabled .......................... yes
SSL cert file ........................ /path/to/cert/file.pem
SSL key file ......................... /path/to/key/file.pem

Verbose .............................. no
ES Debug level........................ 4
Read alarm cause ..................... yes
Tag alarm event id ................... yes
Use custom notification sound ........ no
Send event start notification......... yes
Send event end notification........... yes
Monitor rules JSON file............... (undefined)

Use Hooks............................. yes
Max Parallel Hooks.................... 0
Hook Script on Event Start ........... '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/'
User Script on Event Start............ (undefined)
Hook Script on Event End.............. (undefined)
User Script on Event End.............. (undefined)
Hook Skipped monitors................. (undefined)

Notify on Event Start (hook success).. all
Notify on Event Start (hook fail)..... none
Notify on Event End (hook success).... fcm,web,api
Notify on Event End (hook fail)....... none
Notify End only if Start success...... yes

Use Hook Description.................. yes
Keep frame match type................. yes
Store Frame in ZM..................... yes

Picture URL .......................... http://localhost/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=EVENTID&fid=objdetect&width=600
Include picture....................... yes
Picture username ..................... user
Picture password ..................... (defined)
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by Magic919 »

I think those might be specific to the version you have used. I've stuck with the Asker original version (Pliable Pixels).

I think you've got the one @iconnor has worked on, as the line numbers match.
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

Event server is running, but no object detection yet although I installed everything (including hooks) according to the official docs. Just trying to test everything stepwise manually. Debugging is set according to official docs. When I fire the following command, nothing happens. No console output at all, absolutely nothing. Just an empty line only. Is that normal?

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ 13


Next I tried the following command. Here it says "illegal instruction". Obviously I'm too stupid getting object detection running... :(

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ --config /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini  --eventid 13 --monitorid 1 --debug
Illegal instruction
Posts: 1381
Joined: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:56 am

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by Magic919 »

Both those should work and produce output. Short from the first one and more detail on the second one.
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Location: Toronto

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by iconnor »

The illegal instruction is concerning.
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:40 pm

Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

Magic919 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:48 am Both those should work and produce output. Short from the first one and more detail on the second one.
Just did a new clean installation of everything according to the official docs, including logging, etc. With zoneminder v1.36.33. Here are some facts. Please let me know what else I can provide for problem solving. Happy to do so.

1.) opencv

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ python
Python 2.7.17 (default, Mar  8 2023, 18:40:28) 
[GCC 7.5.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cv2
>>> count = cv2.cuda.getCudaEnabledDeviceCount()
>>> print(count)
>>> cv2.__version__

jetson@nano:~$ python3
Python 3.6.9 (default, Mar 10 2023, 16:46:00) 
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cv2
>>> count = cv2.cuda.getCudaEnabledDeviceCount()
>>> print(count)
>>> cv2.__version__
2.) command output

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ --config /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini  --eventid 7 --monitorid 1 --debug
Unrecoverable error:future feature annotations is not defined (, line 33) Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 556, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/", line 267, in main_handler
    log.init(name='zmesdetect_' + 'm' + args.get('monitorid'), override=g.config['pyzm_overrides'])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyzm/", line 227, in init
    engine = create_engine(cstr, pool_recycle=3600)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 525, in create_engine
    return strategy.create(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 87, in create
    dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/", line 135, in dbapi
    from mysql import connector
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 32, in <module>
    from .connection_cext import CMySQLConnection
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 40, in <module>
    from .abstracts import MySQLConnectionAbstract
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 33
    from __future__ import annotations
SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined
3.) command output again empty

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ 7


4.) zmeventnotification.log

Code: Select all

jetson@nano:~$ cat /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log
16.08.2023 20:48:36.836780 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: Forked process:8294 to handle alarm eid:7]
16.08.2023 20:48:36.837279 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [ZoneMinder::Object:126] [Loading ZoneMinder::Event from Events WHERE Id = 7]
16.08.2023 20:48:36.841508 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [ZoneMinder::Object:126] [Loading ZoneMinder::Storage from Storage WHERE Id = 1]
16.08.2023 20:48:36.843950 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Adding event path:/var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2023-08-16/7 to hook for image storage]
16.08.2023 20:48:36.844091 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Invoking hook on event start:'/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' 7 1 "Monitor-1" "Motion" "/var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2023-08-16/7"]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.807357 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 0 running for:1 min)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.807610 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.808385 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->update_parallel_hooks--TYPE--add]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.808572 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks & 1 zm_detect processes running...]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.809288 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: We've already worked on Monitor:1, Event:7, not doing anything more]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.809424 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.809534 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
16.08.2023 20:48:41.809667 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 1)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:42.079543 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 parse of hook: and []]
16.08.2023 20:48:42.079713 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 hook start returned with text: json:[] exit:1]
16.08.2023 20:48:44.084182 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:7, monitor:1, at: Wed Aug 16 20:48:44 2023 with cause:Motion]
16.08.2023 20:48:44.085125 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
16.08.2023 20:48:44.086188 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.090421 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 For 1 (Monitor-1), SHM says: state=1, eid=7]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.091461 zmeventnotification[8294].INF [main:1048] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Event 7 for Monitor 1 has finished]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.111499 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Event end object is: state=>pending with cause=>Motion: All]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.810386 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 1 running for:1 min)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.812081 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.814624 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->update_parallel_hooks--TYPE--del]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.815786 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.817280 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.817723 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
16.08.2023 20:48:46.818176 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 0)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:48.117509 zmeventnotification[8294].INF [main:1048] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 end hooks/use hooks not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass]
16.08.2023 20:48:50.134612 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:7, monitor:1, at: Wed Aug 16 20:48:50 2023 with cause:Motion]
16.08.2023 20:48:50.135967 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
16.08.2023 20:48:50.136553 zmeventnotification[8294].INF [main:1048] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Not sending event end alarm, as we did not send a start alarm for this, or start hook processing failed]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.810179 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 0 running for:1 min)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.812592 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.813940 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.817112 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.817772 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
16.08.2023 20:48:51.819678 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 0)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:54.165682 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 exiting]
16.08.2023 20:48:54.166405 zmeventnotification[8294].DB1 [main:1036] [|----> FORK:Monitor-1 (1), eid:7 Ending process:8294 to handle alarms]
16.08.2023 20:48:56.810174 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:1, active hooks: 0 running for:1 min)<--------------]
16.08.2023 20:48:56.812171 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 0,  ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 0, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
16.08.2023 20:48:56.818118 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_delete--TYPE--1--SPLIT--7]
16.08.2023 20:48:56.818979 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: Job: Deleting active_event eid:7, mid:1]
16.08.2023 20:48:56.819874 zmeventnotification[8261].DB1 [main:1036] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by jensg »

Is there anybody out there who could help and guide me a bit in getting object/person detection running? I did everything possible, I followed exactly the installation procedure according to the official docs, searched in the forum and the internet, but I‘ve reached my limits now and have no idea anymore what I still could do to get it running. Thanks for your support.
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Re: Person & Object Detection

Post by asker »

Looks like a few things going on.

Code: Select all

 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/mysql/connector/", line 33
    from __future__ import annotations
SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined
First, your version of python (3.6) seems to be incompatible with some of the package imports.
Two areas to investigate:
a) Try this solution to see if you can overcome the import error
b) If not, try and use a more recent version of python

There are some other errors but this seems to be the big one.
I no longer work on zmNinja, zmeventnotification, pyzm or mlapi. I may respond on occasion based on my available time/interest.

Please read before posting:
How to set up logging properly
How to troubleshoot and report - ES
How to troubleshoot and report - zmNinja
ES docs
zmNinja docs
Post Reply