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FTP Camera

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:06 am
by jdamianb
Hi Everybody,

I have an IP camera over a 3G network that sends a capture every 2 minutes to a FTP server. I want to be able to playback and display those captures on ZoneMinder. I know there is a service on internet which allows to do that but you need an account on an ftp server and another account on the web that plays the camera. I have a FTP server and ZoneMinder installed on a Debian Server. Any ideas? I have some knowledge on Java programming.. so if its is possible help me to write the code for this feature.

Greetings :D

And since 3G services doesn't provide public IP ... at least on Lima, Peru... this feature is a must have :D

Re: FTP Camera

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:31 pm
by jdamianb

I get it to work :D

I just used the image capture feature and done! Finally I can see what my remote ip camera sends by FTP. I just need some Bash scripts to get the file from the ftp server and put it on a file where some someminder gets it.

I will post the scripts later since Im not on my laptop.. neither has ssh connection to my server with ZM.
