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zmeventnotification exclusion for known vehicles

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:11 pm
by h1pp13p373
Hey Y'all,

I'm on kubuntu 20.04 with zoneminder 1.34.16 and have zmeventnotification working. It's pretty amazing!

My question is, is there a way to exclude my vehicle, or known vehicles? Many times, I'll get alerts triggered due to birds or bugs flying in front of the camera. Zmeventnotification will check and see my truck, and alert on the detected vehicle. This became more of an issue when I started testing alpr. Each detection is an api call against my 2500/month account at platerecognizer, so I want to stop the calls that are not necessary.

Here's a picture that says it all. The woodpecker set off the alarm, then my truck was detected and an alpr call made. In this specific case, it detected the woodpecker as a person, but usually it's just the motion that triggers, then the truck that's detected.



Re: zmeventnotification exclusion for known vehicles

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:46 pm
by asker
consider enabling match_past_detections in objectconfig.

Re: zmeventnotification exclusion for known vehicles

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:28 pm
by h1pp13p373
Thanks again, Asker! I already have it set to 'yes' and still get repeat alerts. I also found:

52 past_det_max_diff_area=5%

I'll try messing with that value...

Re: zmeventnotification exclusion for known vehicles

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:53 pm
by h1pp13p373
I also noticed that the tag it read was 'LOREX'. lol It caught the camera's title stamp because it was about where the plate would be in a different camera shot of the truck. lol

This is the other angle:


Removed that and upped past_det_max_diff_area to 15% and am testing....