Montage view shows code

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:53 pm

Montage view shows code

Post by signorecello »

Hi all!

First of all THANK YOU for this amazing work. You really have built a magnificent piece of software. I'm amazed!

I managed to make everything work. But, for reasons I just can't understand, the montage view shows nothing but plain PHP code. Every other view is fine, it's just the montage one.

I guess I won't be using it anyway, but it's just strange and I wonder if will have any impact on something else.

Tried to search the forums and google it but found nobody with the same problem. But please forgive me if I missed something and I'm posting a duplicate.

Thank you very much!
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Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:46 pm
Location: Connecticut,USA

Re: Montage view shows code

Post by rockedge »

Hello signorecello

believe it or not, there are only a handful of people working on it and that is voluntary service.

your problem sounds unique! can you take a screenshot of the montage and what is appearing and post it?

everything else is working except for the problem when looking at a Montage view?
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:53 pm

Re: Montage view shows code

Post by signorecello »


I'm still trying to make some things work (motion detection) but this is my first installation so I'm 99% sure it's just me doing things wrong. So yes I'd say everything else is working!

Here's a screenshot of what I see in the montage tab:


It goes on so I'll just post the whole code:

Code: Select all

// ZoneMinder main web interface file, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


$debug = false;
if ( $debug ) {
  // Use these for debugging, though not both at once!
  //error_reporting( E_ALL );

// Use new style autoglobals where possible
if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1.0', '<') ) {

// Useful debugging lines for mobile devices
if ( false ) {
  $fp = fopen('/tmp/env.html', 'w');
  fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());


if (
  (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')
) {
  $protocol = 'https';
} else {
  $protocol = 'http';
define('ZM_BASE_PROTOCOL', $protocol);

// Absolute URL's are unnecessary and break compatibility with reverse proxies 
// define( "ZM_BASE_URL", $protocol.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );

// Use relative URL's instead
define('ZM_BASE_URL', '');

// Check time zone is set
if (!ini_get('date.timezone') || !date_default_timezone_set(ini_get('date.timezone'))) {
  Fatal( "ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php's date.timezone is not set to a valid timezone" );

if ( isset($_GET['skin']) ) {
  $skin = $_GET['skin'];
} else if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmSkin']) ) {
  $skin = $_COOKIE['zmSkin'];
} else if ( defined('ZM_SKIN_DEFAULT') ) {
  $skin = ZM_SKIN_DEFAULT;
} else {
  $skin = 'classic';

$skins = array_map('basename', glob('skins/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));

if ( ! in_array($skin, $skins) ) {
  Error("Invalid skin '$skin' setting to " . $skins[0]);
  $skin = $skins[0];

if ( isset($_GET['css']) ) {
  $css = $_GET['css'];
} elseif ( isset($_COOKIE['zmCSS']) ) {
  $css = $_COOKIE['zmCSS'];
} elseif ( defined('ZM_CSS_DEFAULT') ) {
  $css = ZM_CSS_DEFAULT;
} else {
  $css = 'classic';

$css_skins = array_map('basename', glob('skins/'.$skin.'/css/*',GLOB_ONLYDIR));
if ( !in_array($css, $css_skins) ) {
  Error("Invalid skin css '$css' setting to " . $css_skins[0]);
  $css = $css_skins[0];

define('ZM_BASE_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
define('ZM_SKIN_PATH', "skins/$skin");
define('ZM_SKIN_NAME', $skin);

$skinBase = array(); // To allow for inheritance of skins
if ( !file_exists(ZM_SKIN_PATH) )
  Fatal("Invalid skin '$skin'");
$skinBase[] = $skin;

$currentCookieParams = session_get_cookie_params(); 
//Logger::Debug('Setting cookie parameters to lifetime('.$currentCookieParams['lifetime'].') path('.$currentCookieParams['path'].') domain ('.$currentCookieParams['domain'].') secure('.$currentCookieParams['secure'].') httpOnly(1)');

ini_set('', 'ZMSESSID');


if ( !isset($_SESSION['skin']) || isset($_REQUEST['skin']) || !isset($_COOKIE['zmSkin']) || $_COOKIE['zmSkin'] != $skin ) {
  $_SESSION['skin'] = $skin;
  setcookie('zmSkin', $skin, time()+3600*24*30*12*10);

if ( !isset($_SESSION['css']) || isset($_REQUEST['css']) || !isset($_COOKIE['zmCSS']) || $_COOKIE['zmCSS'] != $css ) {
  $_SESSION['css'] = $css;
  setcookie('zmCSS', $css, time()+3600*24*30*12*10);

if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH ) {
  if ( isset($_SESSION['user']) ) {
    $user = $_SESSION['user'];
  } else {
} else {
  $user = $defaultUser;
# Only one request can open the session file at a time, so let's close the session here to improve concurrency.
# Any file/page that sets session variables must re-open it.


# Running is global but only do the daemonCheck if it is actually needed
$running = null;

# Add Cross domain access headers

// Check for valid content dirs
if ( !is_writable(ZM_DIR_EVENTS) || !is_writable(ZM_DIR_IMAGES) ) {
  Warning("Cannot write to content dirs('".ZM_DIR_EVENTS."','".ZM_DIR_IMAGES."').  Check that these exist and are owned by the web account user");

# Globals
$redirect = null;
$view = null;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['view']) )
  $view = detaintPath($_REQUEST['view']);

$request = null;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['request']) )
  $request = detaintPath($_REQUEST['request']);

foreach ( getSkinIncludes('skin.php') as $includeFile )
  require_once $includeFile;

if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH ) {
    if ( ZM_AUTH_HASH_LOGINS && empty($user) && ! empty($_REQUEST['auth']) ) {
      if ( $authUser = getAuthUser($_REQUEST['auth']) ) {
        userLogin($authUser['Username'], $authUser['Password'], true);
   else if ( isset($_REQUEST['username']) and isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) {
	userLogin($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], false);
  if ( !empty($user) ) {
    // generate it once here, while session is open.  Value will be cached in session and return when called later on

if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) ) {
  $action = detaintPath($_REQUEST['action']);

# The only variable we really need to set is action. The others are informal.
isset($view) || $view = NULL;
isset($request) || $request = NULL;
isset($action) || $action = NULL;

Logger::Debug("View: $view Request: $request Action: $action");
if (
  ( $action != 'login' ) &&
  ( $view != 'view_video' ) &&
  ( $view != 'image' ) &&
  ( $request != 'control' ) && 
  ( $view != 'frames' ) && 
  ( $view != 'archive' )
) {
  require_once( 'includes/csrf/csrf-magic.php' );
  #Logger::Debug("Calling csrf_check with the following values: \$request = \"$request\", \$view = \"$view\", \$action = \"$action\"");

# Need to include actions because it does auth

# If I put this here, it protects all views and popups, but it has to go after actions.php because actions.php does the actual logging in.
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH and !isset($user) ) {
  Logger::Debug('Redirecting to login');
  $view = 'login';
  $request = null;
} else if ( ZM_SHOW_PRIVACY && ($action != 'privacy') && ($view !='options') && (!$request) && canEdit('System') ) {
  Logger::Debug('Redirecting to privacy');
  $view = 'privacy';
  $request = null;

if ( $redirect ) {
  header('Location: '.$redirect);

if ( $request ) {
  foreach ( getSkinIncludes('ajax/'.$request.'.php', true, true) as $includeFile ) {
    if ( !file_exists($includeFile) )
      Fatal("Request '$request' does not exist");
    require_once $includeFile;
} else {
  if ( $includeFiles = getSkinIncludes('views/'.$view.'.php', true, true) ) {
    foreach ( $includeFiles as $includeFile ) {
      if ( !file_exists($includeFile) )
        Fatal("View '$view' does not exist");
      require_once $includeFile;
    // If the view overrides $view to 'error', and the user is not logged in, then the
    // issue is probably resolvable by logging in, so provide the opportunity to do so.
    // The login view should handle redirecting to the correct location afterward.
    if ( $view == 'error' && !isset($user) ) {
      $view = 'login';
      foreach ( getSkinIncludes('views/login.php', true, true) as $includeFile )
        require_once $includeFile;
  // If the view is missing or the view still returned error with the user logged in,
  // then it is not recoverable.
  if ( !$includeFiles || $view == 'error' ) {
    foreach ( getSkinIncludes('views/error.php', true, true) as $includeFile )
      require_once $includeFile;
I'm a junior backend web developer so I get to grasp a little bit of the code (although I never worked with PHP so far), I'd say there's nothing wrong with the code itself. Is it somehow the way it is served to the browser?

Thank you very very much!
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:53 pm

Re: Montage view shows code

Post by signorecello »

Oh, the strangest thing just happened. It just started working. It didn't work for days but suddenly... It just did!
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