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Im getting a real bad delay on video.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:07 am
by Yamanipanuchi
Zoneminder 1.24.2
CentOS 5.4

Everything seems to working pretty good except my live video.

I pull up the camera directly and then Zoneminder side by side. I wave my hand in front of the camera. The live view from the camera is nice a smooth. The view from Zoneminder looks like its re-freshing but I don't see anything until about 10-20 seconds later and only a quick flash of my hand or that last few seconds.

Almost seems like on my system something running really slow in the backgroup.

I'm running Zoneminder at 25 fps. Any idea out there?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:03 pm
by ryan43110
I had this same problem and changed the following option:

CAN_STREAM Override the automatic detection of browser streaming capability (?)

Change this to yes, it solved my problem.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:53 pm
by Yamanipanuchi
I did try messing with these settings. There was no difference.

I'm noticing its effecting the recording also.

I'm using an axis 207 camera and I am using the trigger on the camera to send a signal to Zoneminder to start recording. Well because theres such a delay that it starts recording the instant there movement. Well when there's movement the image in Zoneminder is still 10-15 seconds behind. Sometimes more then that.

Its weird, Because I have two other Zoneminder servers at work that work perfect, and im using this same trigger method.

Still looking for ideas. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:27 am
by Yamanipanuchi
I just tried a seperate camera thinking maybe somehow it was the camera and I still get a really bad delay. 10-15 seconds.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:12 am
by Yamanipanuchi
Okey, further testing.. I turned on the time stamp on the camera and compared it to the time stamp zoneminder puts on the image and sure enough it get up to 20 seconds behind then jump to the correct time then slowly moved out of sync again.. It keeps doing this over and over.

I know its just a setting someplace or something so simple. I just cannot find it.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:08 am
by kingofkya
It is camera setting its the PRE buffer

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:26 am
by haus

Did you ever solve this? I just upgraded (?) to 1.24.2 and I'm having the same problem. The buffer settings, as far as I can tell, are the same from my 1.23 installation which only had a 1-2 second delay. With 1.24.2 this is much much worse - as you said, 10-20 seconds after the event happens I see it on the montage (and I'm using live streaming, not stills).

Quick update: I discovered that if I set FPS blank (or at 30fps - a very high value) the delay disappeared. Normally I run my cams at 3fps to keep load down, as I don't need a higher value. I wonder if this is a bug in ZM, or a setting, that for some reason the time between event and when it shows on screen is massively affected by the frame rate.

If the camera is set to 30fps and I walk in front of it, I can see myself on screen instantly. If I set it to 3fps and walk in front of it, I don't see myself on screen until 10-12 seconds later.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:26 am
by haus
Confirming now that the delay is directly proportional to the frame rate in ZM. If I choose 5fps, my image is delayed 8 seconds. 3fps, I'm delayed 12 seconds. 30fps, delay near zero.

I wonder if something changed with respect to the way ZM 1.24 is handing buffers (i.e., it calculates something by frames now instead of by seconds) due to the new DVR style streaming. I tried setting the stream replay image buffer to zero but that has no effect.

Re: Im getting a real bad delay on video.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:34 am
by redxiii
Yep i had the same issue but when i leave the 'Maximum FPS' blank the delay disappears. however, this causes system load to go up considerably! I tried limiting the FPS inside each camera's config but this hasn't lowered the system load and just lowers the quality of the video stream. Isn't there a way we can limit the FPS of the cameras without getting this 10 second delay?