Released: 1.34.22 My Friend of Misery

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Released: 1.34.22 My Friend of Misery

Post by iconnor »

# Changes since 1.34.21

- fix scale to fit in watch and cycle views
- fix pre-alarm frames not being added to event when alarm_frame_count > 1 and pre-event count = 0 Fixes #3025
- fix case in mocord where cause would not contain motion
- init shared_data in the purpose=QUERY case to prevent crash. Also don't load zones if we don't need them. Fixes reported zms crashes.
- restore 1/4, 1/2, 25, 50 playback rates.
- Improve error message when a row doesn't exist in the Monitor_Status table
- zms: detect in-progress events
- zms: Keep track of last_id which is the last frame id that we have info for. Use it instead of Frame Count to prevent
accessing non-existent frame records
- zms: close ffmpeg_input on event change so as to not leak memory
- zms: include duration in status messages because it may change when playing an in-progress event.
- zms: when we hit the end of our frame data if it is an in-progress event, reload the event data instead of moving to the next event. Fixes #3052
- zms: Only send time to next event when mode=ALL
- zms: Fix scale behaviour on event view
- Update Event details when writing when inserting a Bulk Frame - fixes viewing in-progress events
- Always do event change detection whether we are paused or not because we might be single-stepping.
- Change progress to a double as that it what it should be. This fixes the inaccuracy of clicking on the progress bar to seek.
- Filters: Fix incorrect operator used for NOT IN and add IN operator to match php
- use timestamp font size for messages sent back from zms, like Time to next event.
- mysql 8 column name escaping fixes Fixes #2930
- fix update script for 1.31.13 to update the SaveJpegs field in events table.
- allow 0,0 positioning of label coordinates
- zms: log referrer when unable to authenticate

Full Changelog
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