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D-Link DCS-8350LH

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:04 pm
by gdh
got a D-Link DCS-8350LH camera after several frustrating hours into zoneminder.

wire camera, connect to the cam via mobile app and asign wifi to the cam and toggle onvif in cam settings to on.
get from your router the ip address of the camera.
Since onvif probing was not working for me, i used a github tool to get more info of the camera: -> not sure if that is safe, was fine so i took the risk

the output is the following:

Code: Select all

Info: = {"manufacturer":"D-Link","model":"DCS-8350LH","firmwareVersion":"1.04.05","serialNumber":"xxx","hardwareId":"xxx"}
Snapshot URI: =      
First Live TCP Stream: =       rtsp://
First Live UDP Stream: =       rtsp://
First Live HTTP Stream: =
profile.1 is for 720p h.264
profile.0 is for 1440p h.265

nmap open ports:

Code: Select all

80/tcp   open  http
554/tcp  open  rtsp
6000/tcp open  X11
7000/tcp open  afs3-fileserver
8080/tcp open  http-proxy
8081/tcp open  blackice-icecap
8088/tcp open  radan-http
zoneminder settings:
general -> source Type ffmpeg
source -> source path: rtsp://admin:pin_of_your_camera@
method -> TCP
target colorspace ->32
capture res. -> 2560 x 1440

hope that helps others.