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Added two camers. None showing any feed, but source works on VLC :(

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:03 pm
by foice
I have installed ZoneMinder v1.32.3 from raspbian repository. It start fine, so I have added cameras.

One camera was added using the ONVIF automatic discovery feature. It was added with function "monitor" and it says "not running" or "running" (not clear why it changes). It reports 0.00 fps and even if I clic on the camera and try to see the video feed there is no picture.

The second camera I added (it's a different model) was added specifying the source by hand. I used the same address that I can load on VLC and get picture from the camera. It's a source PATH of this kind rtsp:// and it works in VLC.

Both cameras have a red dot next to their name. I see tutorials with a green dot, but did not find a legend for this color.

I clearly have something misconfigured, or misundersood. What is the problem with my 0.00 fps and missing picture?

Re: Added two camers. None showing any feed, but source works on VLC :(

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:24 am
by Magic919
This is a really old version. Try with 1.36 and see how it goes.

Re: Added two camers. None showing any feed, but source works on VLC :(

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:41 pm
by foice
You advise to not build ... that is the latest on Debian AFAIK.

Also, I switched to libVLC and there is feed. But I do not have the features that libVLC does not carry. : (

Re: Added two camers. None showing any feed, but source works on VLC :(

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:05 pm
by foice
I ended up removing zoneminder from my raspeberry. After reboot the same camera that worked with libVLC was no longer working, in any case Zonemninder and SQR were eating more than 100% of the ram of my raspberry pi, so they made the system crash several times. I give up. Maybe I will try on another system with a gen6 i5.