$100 to install ZoneMinder Today (Fedora/CentOS)

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$100 to install ZoneMinder Today (Fedora/CentOS)

Post by HackHawk »

I'm not sure what my problem is here. I'm a bit unfamiliar with how
Fecora Core requires me to run rpmbuild *simply* to get at the source
code and headers for compiling stuff.

In any event, I'm receiving compile errors up the butt for both ffmpeg
and zoneminer, and I can't seem to resolve them. I'm guessing my
problems stem from not understanding how to properly install the header
(.h) files for the various libraries that zoneminder uses.

Additionally, a few days ago when I *did* manage to get zoneminder
installed on FC2, it wouldn't record anything from the camera. xawtv
was able to get the video though.

Long story short. I'm on a deadline. If this doesn't get done today,
then I go to Windows, and some really expensive commercial software. :P

$100 (obo) to anyone that can come out and get this thing working
for/with me. I'm open to re-installing any Fedora Core OS or CentOS
from scratch to make the job as quick/painless as possible. I'm in the
Portland Oregon area. However, if you can help me get it working via
logging in through ssh, thats fine too.

reply off-list for my phone #.

hh AT hackhawk dot net
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Post by electron »

Have you tried using cordels FC3 RPM ? It is the easiest way to install I 've found, unless you are familiar with setting up yum, it may be considered even easier to install that way. If you go the RPM route, I can advise that Fedora Core 4 does work well with Cordel's RPM built for FC3. I have to DL about 10 or so dependencies to install for that RPM to work. then setup the other requirements as covered in the FAQ & ReadMe regarding mysql setup etc.. then just make sure httpd & mysqld are set up to run every time it boots under services. I have done this on 2 different mobo's w/2 different video cards & one has an updated kernal from the FC4 kernel that comes on the FC4 DVD. That DVD makes it easier / quicker to install Fedora Core that swapping CD's. I checked install everything at the bottom of the list of packages. It's a little bit much, but it works. Do a search for cordels excellent rpm for fc3 on the forum & you can find the links to it. Good luck on windows, 2 of the BT878 quad cards I bought had the same Kworld Windows software & didn't install on either of two Win98SE systems I tried.......
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Post by asadrasheed »

Dear electron,

Plz post the exact link of cordels RPM FOR FC3 , so i can download
I will be very thanks full

M Asad Rasheed
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Post by cordel »

in the downloads section.
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Post by electron »

ftp://download.computerntelecom.com/pub ... 3/testing/

and here is what my little list of notes to install zm, and of dependencies you need to install before the zm rpm will install, and they have to be installed in some order, or else they won't install. and they too are available on cordells site. This is after installing FC4 from DVD w/the install everything box checked.
lame is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
libavcodec.so is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
libavformat.so is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
libmp3lame.so.0 is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl(Device::SerialPort) is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl-IO-stringy is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl-MIME-tools is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl-MailTools is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl-Unicode-Map is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
perl-Unicode-String is needed by zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.CTU.i386
I do most of this as root, btw
Here is the order I install them, just rpm -i (name of the rpm here)

then zm-1.21.2-2.FC3.rpm will install w/out a hitch !
Then start /sbin/httpd
and /sbin/mysqld

then open /etc/zm.conf
and type in a user name & password & save the file ( don’t use system user name, something different)
then run /usr/lib/zm/bin/zminit
it will ask for a user name, enter root,
it will ask for a password, just hit enter

If it went right, it will exit w/out errors !!!!! it will say loading config from db, saving config to db

I did this already part below, think the notes here from the web site are out of order, or more likely my sequence of events is out of order, but it works.
Now start the web server and Zone Minder:
/sbin/service httpd start (already did this)
/sbin/service zm start (already did this)
You should now be able to access the Zone Minder console through the web browser http://localhost/zm
Log files will be located in /var/log/zm
Events are located at /var/lib/zm
Use whatismy ip .com on the net, then you can use that followed by /zm
to access zonminder
it will not be password protected until you go into options on zoneminder main screen
and if it says:
Could not connect to database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
If you get this error above, make sure the services are running and disable
Selinux entirely, then reboot for changes to take effect, then maybe start
back using SE linux, but check off something like httpd disable SE linux for that.
User name is admin , password is admin for auth mode, then create user.... under options, far right tab will be users.

This all can be done in less than 20 minutes..........
Good luck. Hope your system is kinda fast FC4 is a lot.. but w/DVD drive it installs relativley painlessly.. Oh, to check your video card look under /dev for video or video0 etc... if it's not there, your capture card needs the right module to be loaded, this topic has been covered on the forums here as well.
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Post by asadrasheed »

Thanks to cordel and electron :)

M Asad Rasheed