FFmpeg TCP Window Full/Zero Window when storage set to h264 passthrough

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FFmpeg TCP Window Full/Zero Window when storage set to h264 passthrough

Post by BaseballSS »

I am running ZoneMinder 1.32.3 on Ubuntu 18.04. The camera is an Amcrest IPM HX1. I have the same issue mentioned here. Storage is set to H264 passthrough. The issue is present no matter whether or not the option to store audio is enabled. The camera encodes and sends AAC. Either using X264 encode instead of passthrough or disabling audio in the camera's settings eliminates the issue.

VLC on Ubuntu 18.04 works fine.

ZoneMinder on Ubuntu 18.04 only works for a few moments before overrunning the TCP window. When this happens, the FPS drops from ~10 to ~4. The footage also becomes more and more out of sync with the server (i.e. the server time will show 12:00AM while the latest frame will be from 11:59PM).
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