Fedora 18 x86_64

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Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by BeMax »

Anyone using F18, 64 bit and pre compiled binaries ?

Can't get it working. Done everything here and the memory stuff etc...

except ffmpeg. Is it needed for mjpeg cameras ?

Get the errors (red in log)
2013-03-15 17:37:48.813080 zmdc 23753 ERR 'zmc -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:37:48.805208 zmc_m1 23781 ERR Failed to capture image from monitor 1 (0/1) zmc.cpp 263
2013-03-15 17:37:48.804853 zmc_m1 23781 ERR Unable to get response zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 1097
2013-03-15 17:37:48.804617 zmc_m1 23781 ERR Unable to read subheader zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 925
2013-03-15 17:37:48.791610 zmc_m1 23781 ERR Select error: Interrupted system call zm_remote_camera_http.cpp 149

Then the log shows
2013-03-15 17:44:42.822087 zmc_m1 23989 INF Monitor-1: 2000 - Capturing at 5.00 fps zm_monitor.cpp 2598
2013-03-15 17:41:22.797808 zmc_m1 23989 INF Monitor-1: 1000 - Capturing at 5.00 fps zm_monitor.cpp 2598
2013-03-15 17:38:03.435220 zmdc 24035 INF 'zmupdate.pl -c' started at 13/03/15 17:38:03 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.435200 zmdc 23962 INF 'zmupdate.pl -c' starting at 13/03/15 17:38:03, pid = 24035 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.404610 zmwatch 24024 INF Watchdog pausing for 30 seconds zmwatch.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.404060 zmwatch 24024 INF Watchdog starting zmwatch.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.294010 zmdc 24024 INF 'zmwatch.pl' started at 13/03/15 17:38:03 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.292590 zmdc 23962 INF 'zmwatch.pl' starting at 13/03/15 17:38:03, pid = 24024 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.192690 zmfilter 24000 INF Scanning for events zmfilter.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.150040 zmdc 24010 INF 'zmaudit.pl -c' started at 13/03/15 17:38:03 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.149600 zmdc 23962 INF 'zmaudit.pl -c' starting at 13/03/15 17:38:03, pid = 24010 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.005190 zmdc 23962 INF 'zmfilter.pl' starting at 13/03/15 17:38:03, pid = 24000 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:03.002910 zmdc 24000 INF 'zmfilter.pl' started at 13/03/15 17:38:03 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:02.879460 zmc_m1 23989 INF Starting Capture zmc.cpp 191
2013-03-15 17:38:02.851790 zmdc 23989 INF 'zmc -m 1' started at 13/03/15 17:38:02 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:38:02.851750 zmdc 23962 INF 'zmc -m 1' starting at 13/03/15 17:38:02, pid = 23989 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:37:59.711480 zmdc 23962 INF Server starting at 13/03/15 17:37:59 zmdc.pl
2013-03-15 17:37:59.109520 zmpkg 23924 INF Command: start zmpkg.pl
2013-03-15 17:37:58.976920 zmdc 23753 INF Server shutdown at 13/03/15 17:37:58 zmdc.pl

The camera is orange but shows no stream...

Have a working system with ZM 1.24.4 and F16 running without any problems !
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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by marnold »

Hi BeMax,

Have you had and success with F18 and zoneminder.
I just upgraded from F17 running zoneminder to F18 and have no picture :-(

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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by axelm »

Hi guys,

I have Fedora 18 32 bits with zm compiled from source using nextime's svn.

$ ./configure --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-libarch=lib --with-mysql=/usr --with-webdir=/usr/share/zoneminder/www --with-cgidir=/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin --with-webuser=apache --with-webgroup=apache --enable-mmap=yes --disable-debug --enable-crashtrace=yes --with-ffmpeg=/usr ZM_DB_HOST=localhost ZM_DB_NAME=zm ZM_DB_USER=zmuser ZM
_DB_PASS=zmpass CXXFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -I/usr/include/ffmpeg -msse2 build_alias=i686-redhat-linux-gnu host_alias=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --no-create --no-recursion

Source was checked out to /usr/share/zoneminder

Adapting this configure line to x86_64 should be trivial.
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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by gstewart »

BeMax/marnold, have either of you tried axelm's suggestion? Any luck?

I have just rebuilt my machine, transferred the DB from a ZM 1.24.2 build on FC14 x86_64, installed ZM 1.25.0 on FC18 x86_64 via yum, did the DB upgrade and everything seems to be working fine *except* I have no live view images, nor can I view the recorded events in the browser.

ZM is recording images fine, and using the motion detection schema I configured in FC14 under 1.24.2 under the new build. I can view the individual images using gThumb, etc. and they appear as I expect they should.

The *only* place within the ZM web interface where I can view what the camera is seeing is in the Zone Editor--which is a static image.

I found the following Wiki entry that appears to reference FC 18 ALPHA, but I have no clue if that even applies to the current release:
Fedora 18 (alpha)
FIXED: if you get problems with Live Video not working due to a problem with the sockets.
ERROR: socket_sendto permission errors.
Make sure your cgi-bin ScriptAlias is correct as shown below.
ffmpeg libraries from Fedora rpms do not work with zm. You have to install from source (yuck).
This is how I got it installed...

I have even installed all the ffmpeg compat binaries, but I'd really rather not compile ffmpeg from source and have to maintain fixes, myself.

axelm: Did you build your ffmpeg binaries from source? Or, use the ones in the yum repo?
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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by CKrypto »


I had a similar problem.

Tail /var/log/httpd/error_log for errors when trying to view your camera stream. I'm pretty sure the issue is with your web server setup. Make sure you are using the /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf from the most recent rpm and make sure that you comment out all ScriptAlias references in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. There should be one line where it defines the alias, and then a few more right below that. Don't forget to restart httpd after the changes.


If the camera source is orange, then zoneminder is running. You can verify by running "ps -ef | grep zm" and you should see all of the zm perl scripts. Are you starting zoneminder as a system service? For some reason, when I start zoneminder with "systemctl start zoneminder.service" it throws an error and says it failed, but zoneminder is actually running fine. Can you view recorded events? If you are having problems with the live stream, then see my comments to gstewart above.
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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by gstewart »

CKrypto: THANKS!

Didn't work quite exactly as you described, but that ScriptAlias was apparently the culprit. Not sure why, as it was configured similarly in my old system.

I ended up having to symlink the ZM cgi-bin dir from apache global cgi-bin dir (which I did not have to do on the old system), and tweak the Directory block for the now-symlinked ZM cgi-bin dir:

Code: Select all

$ ln -s -T /usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin /my/actual/path/to/www/cgi-bin/zm
and in zoneminder.conf:

Code: Select all

# ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/zm "/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin"
# <Directory "/usr/libexec/zoneminder/cgi-bin">
<Directory "/my/actual/path/to/www/cgi-bin/zm">
    AllowOverride All
    Options +ExecCGI +MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    Require all granted
    php_value short_open_tag 1
One issue that I didn't see until you mentioned the ScripAlias issue was apache was complaining on startup about the ZM ScriptAlias not matching as it was overriding one from httpd.conf.

Seems to be working for me, now.

On ZM as a service:
starting zoneminder as a system service? For some reason, when I start zoneminder with "systemctl start zoneminder.service" it throws an error...
I'm not sure why, but when I start ZM using systemctl it does not start in the same as it does when it manually from the web control console. Started from systemctl, the ZM console doesn't know it's running. Same thing when I invoke zmpkg.pl start from CLI. The same processes are started using all three methods, but I haven't tried to hunt through the ZM code to figure out why the we Console is unaware of the service running from systemctl.

Code: Select all

apache    /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/zmdc.pl startup
apache    /usr/bin/zmc -m 2
apache    /usr/bin/zma -m 2
apache    /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/zmfilter.pl
apache    /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/zmaudit.pl -c
apache    /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/zmwatch.pl
I don't get any errors from systemctl, though, and ZM records events just fine that way.

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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by JosephT »

Hi, I'm running Archlinux and I have the same thing where systemctl start zoneminder is separate from starting it from the web console.
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Re: Fedora 18 x86_64

Post by dvarapala »

After much futzing around, I have ZM up and running on Fedora 18 64. I have 6 IP cameras, 5 of which worked fine right out of the box, but the last one had symptoms similar to those described in the original post. The ZM package in the Fedora Yum repository seems to be using MMAP files, and if you change the settings on a camera it doesn't seem to "take" and update the size of the memory mapped file until you restart ZM.

I also ended up putting the 2 cgi binaries into the normal /var/www/cgi-bin and getting rid of the ScriptAlias in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf file entirely due to the overlap in the ScriptAlias paths.

The only problem remaining is with zmtrigger.pl. It dies mysteriously every once in a while, and is sometimes slow to respond to trigger inputs.