Continious alarm

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Posts: 125
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:46 pm

Continious alarm

Post by liderbug »

All of a sudden I'm "recording". I'm set for MonDet. I deleted both zones, it stopped. I recreated 1 zone, Best/Low. It imed. started detecting - alll "linked". Thoughts?

Posts: 943
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:04 am

Re: Continious alarm

Post by bb99 »

Try deleting both monitors and repair database (instructions in wikii) then recreate monitors
Posts: 125
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:46 pm

Re: Continious alarm

Post by liderbug »

Ok - along with other problems - I've now be able to get things working with the following exception:
01/03/14 18:17:45.054513 zmdc[7873].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 8]
01/03/14 18:17:45.057945 zmdc[7873].INF ['zmc -m 8' starting at 14/01/03 18:17:45, pid = 9525]
01/03/14 18:17:48.339619 zmdc[7873].ERR ['zmc -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
01/03/14 18:27:48.032547 zmdc[7873].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 8]
01/03/14 18:27:48.035783 zmdc[7873].INF ['zmc -m 8' starting at 14/01/03 18:27:48, pid = 9808]
01/03/14 18:27:54.091556 zmdc[7873].ERR ['zmc -m 8' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
01/03/14 18:37:54.007423 zmdc[7873].INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 8]

Searching for "zmc -m exited abnormally" hasn't produced any good answers. Running tail -f zmdc.log shows this happening every 10 minutes - :57, :07 17 27 37...
