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Video Slow.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:46 pm
by aztrock
Hello. I write to see if there is any way that the video is viewed in real time ..
I have set up 2 cameras and two are slow. not extremely slow. but I think you could see better.

The cameras being installed. were ..
First: A camera CCD camera (IR & WATERPROOF) with a PCI card Geovision GV-800. (work) to the controller is:

options bttv card = 157,158,158,158 = 4,4,4,4 tuner = 32 radio = gbuffers 0,0,0,0 full_luma_range coring = 1 = 1 = 1 chroma_agc Triton1 Combfilter = 1 = 0 vsfx = 0

Second: A foscam camera, installed by ip and controls working perfectly.

I have a Debian 6.0 operating system.

Pentium 4 computers. with 1 gm of ram

I can do, so that in the ZoneMinder can see the video in real time.

Re: Video Slow.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:54 pm
by Robak
If U mean that a view on web is slow, when U open "monitor",

go to the top right corner of ZM web. "Options" --> last four tabs are settings for views at different bandwith. There is option "How often (in seconds) the watched image is refreshed".
Default is 5/10/15sec
